Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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Disabling Google Sign-in Popup
Disabling Google Sign-in Popup
July 22, 2024

I recently was inundated with Chrome injecting into many websites a little pop-up to encourage you to sign-in with your Google account. I hate it. After a lot of searching (and a heroic Twitter user) - I got it to go away.

I’m mostly adding this here so I can find it next time, but I hope it helps others.

Here is the problem:

The Popup

I don’t use my Google Account as my main identity, so I never want this. After delving into my Google account and Chrome settings, I was close to just signing out of Chrome entirely when I asked Twitter. I got an answer from Terry Beard:

Terry Beard is my Hero

To use this, just copy this to the address bar of your Chrome:


Hope this helps and that it shows up in my search results next time I forget how to do this.