My Upcoming Conference Talks and Classes

All About C# Source Generators
August 31, 2024
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin USA
While using Reflection is still a necessary tool for any developer. The Roslyn source generators are a compelling way to write code while your users are writing their code. In this talk, Shawn will build a source generator from scratch to show you all the gory details.
Aspiring to Connect: Using Aspire to Orchestrate Connected Applications
October 25, 2024
Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania USA
When I heard about Aspire, it took me a while to really get my head around what the .NET team is trying to do. While there have been existing ways to deploy complex connected applications (e.g. microservices, serverless, hybrid, and modular monoliths) like Kubernetes, Docker Compose and Podman. These are all great to use, but are not that friendly to .NET developers. This is where Aspire attempts better enable you to make cloud native applications in a more comfortable environment. In this talk, I'll add aspire to an existing application that uses a mix of .NET and non-.NET components to see how it works!
Lock It Down: Using Azure Entra ID for .NET APIs and SPAs
October 27, 2024
Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania USA
.NET developers are thrown a lot of jargon when it comes to securing REST APIs: Identity, OAuth, JWT, OpenID, Cookies, and more. But for many of us, we just want a way to protect our Azure apps to well-known users inside and outside of our organization. That's where Azure Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) comes in. What if I told you that it wasn't that hard? Would you really believe me? In this talk, I'll walk through adding Entra ID to a Vue App and the backend .NET API server.
All About C# Source Generators
November 8, 2024
Utrect, NL
While using Reflection is still a necessary tool for any developer. The Roslyn source generators are a compelling way to write code while your users are writing their code. In this talk, Shawn will build a source generator from scratch to show you all the gory details.
Design Your APIs First: Avoiding the Technical Debt of Cowboy API Design
November 9, 2024
Utrect, NL
Thinking ahead is one of the tenets of a good developer. But, we don't always have the time to plan well. When it comes to designing REST APIs, this is especially important as you'll be making decisions that you'll have to live with for a long time. Just striking forward, coding up your API is likely a mistake. Let's talk about what API design really encompasses. In this talk, Shawn Wildermuth will design an API so you can see how REST really works and everything you need to consider before you deploy your first API.
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