
Architectural Advice

Structural Software Design

Building software requires that you know where you're headed and understanding the right way to build solutions that match. I can help you make the difficult decisions about what's best for your future, not just the coolest, newest technology (but I can do that too).

Size Matters

Generic technology advice can seem geared to large, real-time computing. But that is not where every project or, even, company is at. Understanding how your architecture is modeling your requirements is key to developing solutions that last for years to come.

Monolith or Microservice?

It seems easy to think that every project must be a Microservice, but with flexibility comes complexity. I can help you understand where your project sits between these two extremes.

Up in the Cloud

An important question most companies are battling with these days is "Where to you host your applications?". Every cloud vendor is pushing companies to move to the cloud. But before you do, you'll need to understand the costs, benefits and limitations that cloud hosting provides. In addition, the cloud introduces new ways to think about your application. This means you'll want to archtect with the cloud in mind in many cases.