Mijn Tirades en Tieren

Finally!  I Finished Half-life 2
Finally! I Finished Half-life 2
1 april 2005

Url: http://halflife2.com

Quoted on MSNBC...But not for anything important ;)
Quoted on MSNBC...But not for anything important ;)
1 april 2005

Url: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7349634/

Very Impressive Avalon-based Chess Game in 3D
Very Impressive Avalon-based Chess Game in 3D
31 maart 2005

Url: http://www.valil.com/avalon/

Site Outage
Site Outage
30 maart 2005

Am I Glad I Tossed my Tivo
Am I Glad I Tossed my Tivo
28 maart 2005

Url: http://news.com.com/TiVo+tests+pop-up-style+ads...

Jim Gray Discusses 2 vs 3 Tier Model, et al.
Jim Gray Discusses 2 vs 3 Tier Model, et al.
28 maart 2005

Url: http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=5...

Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (in the Enterprise library, circa Jan 05)
Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (in the Enterprise library, circa Jan 05)
28 maart 2005

Url: http://wildermuth.com/content.aspx?id=rantview&...

Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (v2)
Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (v2)
28 maart 2005

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

101 Uses for Nested Classes
101 Uses for Nested Classes
25 maart 2005

Url: http://www.windojitsu.com/blog/nestedclasses101...

An Interview with Miguel de Icaza on ONDotnet.com
An Interview with Miguel de Icaza on ONDotnet.com
24 maart 2005

Url: http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2005/03/21...

Pocket Streets for the SmartPhone ROCKS!
Pocket Streets for the SmartPhone ROCKS!
23 maart 2005

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/download...

More Perplexed by .NET 2.0
More Perplexed by .NET 2.0
22 maart 2005

The Death of Inherited Typed DataSets?
The Death of Inherited Typed DataSets?
12 maart 2005

I've spent most of the last week in Redmond seeing some new stuff and meeting up with old friends.  While I was here I scheduled some time to sit down with Steve Lasker of the Visual Basic/Visual Studio Team.  His team in in charge of the Typed DataSet in Whidbey. 

Geek Dinner - March 24th, New Place!
Geek Dinner - March 24th, New Place!
11 maart 2005

Url: http://nerddinner.com/blogs/atlanta/archive/200...

Scott's Right...I hope they are kidding...
Scott's Right...I hope they are kidding...
10 maart 2005

Url: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/PermaLink,guid,b3...

In-Flight Movies and Guy Fights
In-Flight Movies and Guy Fights
8 maart 2005

Is Apple's "Spotlight" Technology just WinFS in Tiger's Clothing?
Is Apple's "Spotlight" Technology just WinFS in Tiger's Clothing?
8 maart 2005

Url: http://developer.apple.com/macosx/tiger/spotlig...

Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helens
8 maart 2005

Url: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7132927/

.NET Search Engine
.NET Search Engine
8 maart 2005

Url: http://www.dotlucene.net/

Is this the next XBox?
Is this the next XBox?
5 maart 2005

Url: http://news.com.com/Images+Consoles+of+tomorrow...

Excellent Post from Tim Ewald about the Future of Web Services
Excellent Post from Tim Ewald about the Future of Web Services
4 maart 2005

Url: http://pluralsight.com/blogs/tewald/archive/200...

Creating Rich Playlists
Creating Rich Playlists
3 maart 2005

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/autoplaylist.zip

Is AOP the TLA of this decade?
Is AOP the TLA of this decade?
2 maart 2005

Url: http://www.internetviz-newsletters.com/intertec...

My Baseball Passion...
My Baseball Passion...
2 maart 2005

Url: http://atl.mlb.com