Mijn Tirades en Tieren

Adam Barr on Scheduling (in reference to WinFS)
Adam Barr on Scheduling (in reference to WinFS)
13 december 2004

Url: http://www.proudlyserving.com/archives/2004/12/...

COM Objects and IDisposable?
COM Objects and IDisposable?
13 december 2004

I haven't dealt with a ton of COM interop up to this point in my .NET life.  I was surprised to find out that there is not a good story for deterministic deconstruction of COM objects...or maybe there is and I didn't see it.

"I Don't Do Patterns" et al.
"I Don't Do Patterns" et al.
10 december 2004

Url: http://weblogs.cerkit.com/mearls/archive/2004/1...

WinFS Probably Won't Show Up After '10
WinFS Probably Won't Show Up After '10
10 december 2004

Url: http://news.com.com/New+file+system+has+long+ro...

My Next "Notebook"?
My Next "Notebook"?
9 december 2004

Url: http://reviews.cnet.com/HP_Pavilion_zd8000/4505...

My new Tivo
My new Tivo
9 december 2004

Url: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=1093...

PDC 2005 Announced
PDC 2005 Announced
9 december 2004

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/events/pdc/

What's going to happen to ThinkPads?
What's going to happen to ThinkPads?
3 december 2004

Url: http://news.com.com/IBM+talk+signals+shift+in+P...

10 Reasons to be Thankful about .NET
10 Reasons to be Thankful about .NET
1 december 2004

Url: http://www.theserverside.net/cartoons/Top10_NET...

Extending Reporting Services
Extending Reporting Services
30 november 2004

The ScreenSavers Shuffle Again!
The ScreenSavers Shuffle Again!
30 november 2004

Url: http://thescreensavers.com

Virtual   New is Evil?  I am convinced...
Virtual New is Evil? I am convinced...
23 november 2004

Url: http://www.dotnetconsult.co.uk/weblog/permalink...

HL2 and the Future of Game Delivery?
HL2 and the Future of Game Delivery?
16 november 2004

Url: http://steampowered.com

Atlanta Nerd Dinner
Atlanta Nerd Dinner
15 november 2004

Url: http://nerddinner.com/blogs/atlanta/

ADO.NET Powertoys and GotDotNet Workspace
ADO.NET Powertoys and GotDotNet Workspace
25 oktober 2004

Url: http://wildermuth.com/powertoys

I've been rated again!
I've been rated again!
21 oktober 2004

Url: http://www.bbspot.com/News/2004/10/extension_qu...

Somewhat OT:  Grats RedSox...4 Games to Go!
Somewhat OT: Grats RedSox...4 Games to Go!
20 oktober 2004

Way OT:  Ray Charles Lives
Way OT: Ray Charles Lives
19 oktober 2004

Url: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B...

If You're In Chicago in Late October...
If You're In Chicago in Late October...
15 oktober 2004

Url: http://www.cnug.org/index.html

Desktop Google...OMFG!
Desktop Google...OMFG!
14 oktober 2004

Url: http://desktop.google.com

Data Part 2: n-Tier...Gone Tomorrow
Data Part 2: n-Tier...Gone Tomorrow
8 oktober 2004

Recently I was talking with Rocky Lhotka and he said something interesting:

Data Part 1:  Business Objects, Messages and DataSets...
Data Part 1: Business Objects, Messages and DataSets...
7 oktober 2004

I've had time lately to think about the nature of data in development lately.  I've been talking with Rocky Lhotka and Michael Earls about it (as well as number of others) about the issues with dealing with data in applications. 

Connections, Command and Transactions...oh my!
Connections, Command and Transactions...oh my!
6 oktober 2004

I was taking a refresher MCSD test today to get ready to take one of the tests and came upon a question that is wrong.  But it does infer that there is some confusion about how transactions are propogated to commands...or may be evidence that it is a bug.  For example:

In Georgia At Last...
In Georgia At Last...
19 september 2004

Url: http://atlanta.com