I am currently doing a bunch of evaluations on OR Mappers, Code Gen and Business Object Frameworks for my new book. If anyone knows about anything great that might go unnoticed, please drop a comment or send me an email!
I had planned to go to a midnight store opening and purchase a machine this evening, but both stores I could find were already sold out (though they wouldn't explain how they sold out of an item that can't sell yet, since they weren't taking pre-orders). I then spoke to CompUSA and was told that it is first come-first serve, but they were only selling it as a kit that included extra controllers, 2 games and their extended service plan (at $699). Bah, another reason to hate CompUSA.
Url: http://nerddinner.com/blogs/atlanta/
Url: http://www.cerkit.com/cerkitBlog/PermaLink,guid...
Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.as...
Url: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/zeroho...
I've been working on a problem for a client's project. We are doing pretty raw RAD design for a small intranet project so I thought, hey let's just do SqlDataSources to get the pages up and running fast. This works fine *if* we don't want any concurrency.
Two weeks ago I used IE 6's new "Manage Addins..." to disable the Flash plugin. I was worried about some of the content I'd miss. After two weeks, my experience has been that I have not missed much. Here is a short list of what I've noticed without Flash:
Welcome to the new version of The ADO Guy. Most of the changes are under the covers, but there are a few things to note:
Url: http://nerddinner.com/blogs/atlanta/
Url: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0...
My survey on the Atlanta Geek Dinner is now complete. Thank you to everyone who voted. The salient points that I gleaned fromt he data are:
I've talked with lots off prospective authors the last few years since my first book came out. I've tried to do what Chris Sells did for me, scare them... I've explained that it is long hours, lots of dedication and can get in the way of family time. I sure don't take my own advice very well. I've agreed to write another book, "Prescriptive Data Architectures" for Addison-Wesley. Unlike the first book (pre-blog craziness), I plan on using this blog to discuss my experience writing the book as well as a sounding board for my ideas that will be used in the book.
Url: http://www.theserverside.net/articles/showartic...
Url: http://www.ezquestionnaire.com/surveys/default....
Url: http://nerddinner.com/blogs/atlanta/archive/200...
Url: http://discuss.develop.com/archives/wa.exe?A2=i...