Mijn Tirades en Tieren

Bush wants to take Overtime Pay from Veterans
Bush wants to take Overtime Pay from Veterans
27 maart 2004

Url: http://www.saveovertimepay.org/

Great addition to many a geek's office...
Great addition to many a geek's office...
27 maart 2004

Url: http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?cookie%5Fte...

Mulsim Cleric Instructs how to "Beat Your Wife"?
Mulsim Cleric Instructs how to "Beat Your Wife"?
27 maart 2004

Url: http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=archives...

Too much time on their hands...
Too much time on their hands...
26 maart 2004

Url: http://www.megarad.com/modules.php?op=modload&n...

Corporate Logo...
Corporate Logo...
25 maart 2004

Url: http://www.logogame.com/game.php?id=8

I am glad I needed a dictionary....
I am glad I needed a dictionary....
25 maart 2004

Url: http://www.urbandictionary.com/

Searching Outlook...
Searching Outlook...
25 maart 2004

Url: http://www.lookoutsoft.com/Lookout/download.html

Linux is Falling down the Unix Hole
Linux is Falling down the Unix Hole
18 maart 2004

I've been watching the Linux news wires lately to see whether I should be putting any time into Mono and it looks to me like Linux is falling victim to the Unix disease of splintering into too many distributions that may or may not be compatible.  Here's what I am reading:

WinFS is Gimped At the Moment...
WinFS is Gimped At the Moment...
12 maart 2004

Yukon and Whidbey Slip!
Yukon and Whidbey Slip!
10 maart 2004

Url: http://news.com.com/2100-1012_3-5172166.html?ta...

Notebooks and Longhorn
Notebooks and Longhorn
9 maart 2004

Url: http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/03/08...

Penguin Baseball
Penguin Baseball
9 maart 2004

Url: http://meph.eu.org/

25% Evil...oh darn
25% Evil...oh darn
28 februari 2004

Url: http://homokaasu.org/gematriculator/

SQL 2000 Reporting Services
SQL 2000 Reporting Services
3 februari 2004

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reporting/howtobuy...

Top 10 Web Application Security Problems
Top 10 Web Application Security Problems
3 februari 2004

Url: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/owasp/OWASPT...

An Interesting User Interface...
An Interesting User Interface...
31 januari 2004

Url: http://research.microsoft.com/news/monthlyfeatu...

Exploding Whale in Taiwan...Not Terrorism, but Biology...
Exploding Whale in Taiwan...Not Terrorism, but Biology...
29 januari 2004

Url: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4096586/

Raise Your Hand If You Like Jewel Cases....
Raise Your Hand If You Like Jewel Cases....
26 januari 2004

Url: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/031210/daw053_1.html

MikeRoweSoft.com Revisited...
MikeRoweSoft.com Revisited...
24 januari 2004

Url: http://bink.nu/DesktopModules/ArticleDetail.asp...

Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft
Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft
18 januari 2004

Url: http://www.canada.com/vancouver/theprovince/sto...

Mobile MCE?
Mobile MCE?
8 januari 2004

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/products...

Back in the Saddle...
Back in the Saddle...
6 januari 2004

Mini IPod?
Mini IPod?
6 januari 2004

Url: http://www.apple.com

Windows Media Center Edition DOA?
Windows Media Center Edition DOA?
6 januari 2004

Url: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/34737.html