Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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Cable 0, Satellite 1
Cable 0, Satellite 1
June 6, 2006


I switched from cable to satellite last week for my TV viewing pleasure. After a week with my new Dish Network box, I am very impressed. My ComCast cable was messed up from the day I got it in our new apartment.  HD didn’t work, and there was lots of picture noise. Interestingly our Internet service through them has been spectacular.  I dropped TV and kept the ISP.

Here’s what I can say I like about the Disk so far:

  • Twice as many HD channels than I had before.
  • Picture quality across the board has been excellent (digital and HD).
  • My MCE changes the channel with the IR blaster easier (fewer bad channel changes).
  • Their customer service was nice and knowledgeable.  Really!

I am pretty happy with the switch.