
Winner(s) for the Silverlight Tour Caption Contest!

January 10, 2008
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We are happy to announce that we have winners for the caption contest.  The winning caption is:

Caption Contest
Learning Silverlight makes you feel like a kid again.

The winning caption was submitted by Frank Lavigne.  He will be given a free seat to the Silverlight Tour stop next week in Atlanta.  In addition, we’ve decided to have a couple of honorable mentions who will receive a free Silverlight Tour T-Shirt!  The winners were notified by e-mail today.

Honorable Mentions

  • “I’m going to shoot my eye out with SilverLight!”, Sean Gerety
  • “Look ma, no flash!”, Laurent Duveau

Congratulations to everyone who won!

UPDATE: To those of you who thought that I dressed up my children in clothes like these…don’t worry, that’s a picture of me from the 70’s when clothes like that were almost hip.