Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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February 1, 2008

Mix 08
I am headed to MIX 08 this year. I didn’t make the cut of speakers but I hope to spend most of my time in Vegas away from the Poker tables.

As a bunch of bloggers have mentioned, MIX is a shiny version of the PDC (as far as I am concerned)…so its a great place to learn about Microsoft’s web strategies and alignment with design.  These include:

  • Silverlight 2.0
  • ASP.NET v.Next
  • ADO.NET Data Services
  • IE8
  • IIS7
  • WPF
  • The Expression Toolset

I am hoping to do a informal drink night while I am there but I am not sure how it will shape up. If you are going to MIX and want to meet up for beer and geek talk, reply to this message and i’ll see what I can work out.