Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves
Thanks for visiting my blog! See more about me here: About Me
The Silverlight Tour is proud to announce “A Taste of Silverlight” to be held on February 18, 2008 in Dallas, TX. Shawn Wildermuth is bringing his Silverlight chops to Dallas to discuss the big picture of Silverlight and answer the following questions:
- Why should I care about Silverlight
- What is Silverlight?
- When should I use Silverlight?
- What is the Silverlight story on the Server?
- How do developers and designers work together?
This event takes place in the afternoon of February 18th (starting at 1pm) at the Microsoft Office in Dallas.
There are only 32 seats available for this **free **event so sign up early! You can see event details and register at
This work by
Shawn Wildermuth
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
. Based on a work at