Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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Europe Bound!
Europe Bound!
June 12, 2008

I am headed to Europe this fall for two .NET conferences on the continent. I am excited to be speaking at these two great conferences:

First up is theSDN Conference 2008 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on October 6-7th, 2008. I will be speaking on Silverlight 2 Control Customization, Visual State Manager and ADO.NET Data Services.  I am excited to see my old adopted home again!  Et Lekker!
![]( up is DevReach in Sofia, Bulgaria on October 13-15th, 2008.  The schedule hasn’t been finalized so I am not sure yet what I’ll be speaking on but you can probably guess the usual Silverlight, ADO.NET Data Services, Entity Framework or DSL stuff I am interested in.
If you’re in either of these locations this fall, look me up!