Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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Silverlight Tour Now includes Coverage of the Silverlight Toolkit
Silverlight Tour Now includes Coverage of the Silverlight Toolkit
December 26, 2008

Silverlight Logo
We are proud to announce that starting with our January 5th class, the Silverlight Tour will now cover the Silverlight Toolkit. This coverage will include examples of using the “Stable” band controls as well as charting and theme support.

This is the last big change to the Silverlight Tour before we start teaching our new Silverlight 3 when it is announced. Keep an eye here for news about changes coming in the next version of Silverlight!

The Silverlight Tour is a three-day workshop covering the basics of design and development on the Silverlight platform including XAML, managed code, control development, data access and server interactions.