Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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Shameless Plug for the Silverlight Tour
Shameless Plug for the Silverlight Tour
January 20, 2009

Coming up next month, the Silverlight Tour rolls into Seattle for three-days of Silverlight love. If you or your company is looking for a great way to ramp up on Silverlight 2 quickly, join me in Seattle for a good time.

For this stop only, we are offering a coupon code to get the workshop for $1,620 (instead of the normal price of $1,995). When you sign up, just mention coupon code “SILVERLIGHTSEATTLE” when you sign up to get the discount.

You can sign up for the Silverlight Tour by visiting the Signup Page.

The Silverlight Workshop is a soup-to-nuts breakdown of Silverlight. This includes learning the ins and outs of XAML, hosting in the browser, the tools and using Silverlight 2 on the server. The class utilizes the Silverlight 2 RTW as well as the latest toolset from Microsoft (including Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Studio).

Workshop is $1,800 per student and includes:

  • 3 days of intensive Silverlight 2 training
  • Coverage of Expression Blend and Visual Studio
  • Architect Silverlight Solutions
  • Understand the full Control Model and Customization
  • Data Access and Web Services
  • For a full outline visit the Outline page

Silverlight is about building Internet applications so experience building web applications is encouraged. In addition, since Silverlight utilizes .NET to build online experiences, familiarity with .NET is suggested. No specific experience with WPF or XAML is necessary.

Now back to your regularly scheduled blog…