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I’m using Windows 8 as my main OS on my work PC. Not a terribly good idea, but I want to feel how it is to work with on a day-by-day basis. I’ve been dong this since early in the Windows 2000 days (installing pre-release OSs by MS).
I’ve heard from some people that they want their Start Button back and my opinion continues to be that it never went away…all that happened was that it is now full screen. In fact, it’s still in the lower left:
But for me, I am mostly a keyboard guy (maybe not as much as Chris Sells, but hey…who is). That means my muscle memory of how I use the Start Button hasn’t changed (e.g. Ctrl-Esc). I recorded this quickie video showing how I use the “Start Button” in Windows 8 in case you haven’t tried yet:
Windows 8 Start Button is Still There
What do you think?