Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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I'm Starting to Live Stream Coding on Twitch!
I'm Starting to Live Stream Coding on Twitch!
August 9, 2021

I blame Joseph Guadagno. His post on how to setup a coding stream made it look too easy. So I’m diving in. I’m going to be live coding every Wednesday at 1pm (UTC-4).

Join me in a non-scripted coding session. I’m going to build a project I’ve wanted to create. A virtual bookshelf. We’ll use the Open Library APIs to find book lists and store what books I’ve read. For the project, I’ll be using a number of bleeding edge tech:

  • Vue 3 with Composition API
  • Vite for development
  • TailwindCSS
  • ASP.NET Core 6 (with Minimal APIs)
  • Azure for deployment

Come join me and watch me mess up and fix errors and bugs. It’ll be fun. To be notified about the stream, please visit my Twitch page at:

See you there!