Tag: 'android'

Want to Learn iOS or Android?
Want to Learn iOS or Android?
October 9, 2011

AgiliTrain has partnered with the excellent Wei-Meng Lee (author of several books on iPhone, iPad and Android development) to provide three new courses this winter. He’s coming to Atlanta to teach both iOS and Android development. The courses include:

The Next Application Platform? All of them...
The Next Application Platform? All of them...
December 12, 2010

A Week with WP7 from an Android User's Perspective
A Week with WP7 from an Android User's Perspective
October 29, 2010

What I learned about Windows Phone 7 from Android
What I learned about Windows Phone 7 from Android
August 16, 2010

Motorola Droid - First Impressions
Motorola Droid - First Impressions
February 6, 2010

Url: http://www.motorola.com/consumers/US-EN/Motorol...