Tag: 'knockoutjs'

When to Not Use Observable in KnockoutJS
When to Not Use Observable in KnockoutJS
September 27, 2012

I've been really busy lately and my list of things to blog on has been getting backed up. One thing that occurred to me while building my new JavaScript course was about how KnockoutJS and Observables actually work. Here's the deal.

From my Web Dev for XAML Devs Talk
From my Web Dev for XAML Devs Talk
March 14, 2012

I had the opportunity tonight to do a talk for the Atlanta XAML Meetup on Web Development for XAML Developers. I had fun explaining how XAML developers can use their existing skills with markup, design, data binding and data access on web page development. You can see the slides from the talk here:

What I've Been Doing...
What I've Been Doing...
November 30, 2011

Using MVVM on the Web with KnockoutJS
Using MVVM on the Web with KnockoutJS
November 20, 2011