Tag: 'web services'

The State of Writing Services for the Web
The State of Writing Services for the Web
July 15, 2019

I started writing services in websites back in the .NET 1.0 days. Originally I was doing just POX (Plain Old XML) services in a very crude way so we could get the job done for our internal systems back in the early 2000's.

Designing APIs for the Web
Designing APIs for the Web
June 19, 2013

Ever get perplexed when designing your API for the web? My new course is now available on PluralSight that helps you design your API. The course covers:

WebAPI for the MVC Guy
WebAPI for the MVC Guy
February 22, 2012

So as some of you know, I’ve spent a lot of the last year working on a web project. I’ve been using ASP.NET MVC3 and it’s going well. I am at the point where we are creating the mobile apps. I service them, I need an API (which will eventually be available as a public API too). I had started creating using MVC and simple routes but I was urged to look at the new Web API stack that is installed with the new ASP.NET MVC4 installer.

Choosing a Data Access Layer for Silverlight 3
Choosing a Data Access Layer for Silverlight 3
September 29, 2009

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll probably remember my pithy blog post where I stated that "It all depends..." to the question "Which Data Access Should I Use for Silverlight 3?"  The reality is that much like the similar question I am confronted with at user groups for the past decade ("What data access should I use in my .NET app?"). The reasons for picking a strategy are wide and varied so I will not try to analyze all possible outcomes, but I think the different strategies need to be explained better.

Introducing Project Niagara
Introducing Project Niagara
September 28, 2009

Url: http://niagara.codeplex.com

Securing Web Services (Even with OOB)
Securing Web Services (Even with OOB)
July 26, 2009

Get John Papa's Excellent Silverlight Data Service Book for 40 Percent Off!
Get John Papa's Excellent Silverlight Data Service Book for 40 Percent Off!
February 12, 2009

Url: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596523091/index....

See my Silverlight Data Access Talk from DevReach
See my Silverlight Data Access Talk from DevReach
January 12, 2009

Url: http://www.silverlightshow.net/shows/Consuming-...

Rocky Lhotka on DataSets and Web Services and why I think he's wrong...
Rocky Lhotka on DataSets and Web Services and why I think he's wrong...
January 24, 2005

Url: http://www.lhotka.net/WeBlog/CommentView.aspx?g...

Isn't SOAP about XML Anymore?
Isn't SOAP about XML Anymore?
October 30, 2002

When I first read the SOAP specification I could not decide whether it was meant to be a replacement for DCOM/RPC or whether it was a messaging protocol. I loved the fact that the ligua franca of SOAP was XML. But at the same time, Section 5 supported the RPC view of SOAP. Unfortunately this section seemed to just confuse the issue between the RPC world and the document/literal world.

Why "Service.asmx?wsdl" Doesn't Work...
Why "Service.asmx?wsdl" Doesn't Work...
October 11, 2002

I just attended the second day of Chris Sells' and Tim Ewald's great Web Services DevCon East and had a great time. Yasser Shohoud gave a wonderful talk on "The Right Way to Build Web Services". He echoed something I have been thinking of for some time. Sure, I didn't want to learn how to write WSDL. At the same time I know that the WSDL that is generated by using the '?wsdl' syntax of ASP.NET's .asmx files does not let me design the interface first. I changed my mind and learned to write WSDL. WSDL really isn't too difficult to write. It is too bad that we cannot disable the ?wsdl syntax and just use a static WebService.WSDL URL to have our customer's get our WSDL files.

Web Services and DataSets: Why the Bad Rap?
Web Services and DataSets: Why the Bad Rap?
October 10, 2002

Why is everyone so down on using DataSets in .NET Web Services? Sure, I’ll admit that using DataSets directly as Web Service parameters are indeed a problem. But why throw the baby out with the bath water?