Tag: 'working'

The Hard Part of Software Development
The Hard Part of Software Development
April 23, 2008

I've spent a lot of time the last few weeks looking at some of the new buzz words in software development. Domain specific languages, dynamic languages, TDD, DDD, *DD, etc.. Most of these ideas have definite benefits to the work of software development but I think they miss the mark on what is really hard in software.

Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money (via Digg)
Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money (via Digg)
November 3, 2006

Url: http://www.softwarebyrob.com/articles/Nine_Thin...

Re-Indepenence Day
Re-Indepenence Day
May 18, 2005

Url: http://wildermuth.com

I Knew Someone Was Teaching Them...
I Knew Someone Was Teaching Them...
October 13, 2003

Url: http://msnbc.com/news/978871.asp?0cv=CB20

Having OneNote Withdrawals....
Having OneNote Withdrawals....
September 16, 2003

I finally finished downloading Office (System) 2003 from MSDN and found out that it did *not* include OneNote. It is like breaking a toy on Christmas morning. I admit I am one of the converted. I just love using it for a multi-tasking note taker. I don't just use it in meetings (which I have very few of any more), but all day. As I get an idea about something I am not working on immediately...it goes in OneNote. I just noticed that the MSDN website says the rest of the Office System will be available October 1st. Arg!

Practical Experience
Practical Experience
August 19, 2003

I have been spending a lot of time writing about technology lately. After a phone conversation with Tim Ewald, it got me thinking. During the first half of writing the book, I was working full-time writing ATL/C++ apps mostly and trying to get up to speed with ADO.NET at night. While my girlfriend minds, I don't really.