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My ADO.NET Data Services/Silverlight 2 Article on MSDN Magazine
My ADO.NET Data Services/Silverlight 2 Article on MSDN Magazine
August 31, 2008

MSDN Magazine
My new article on creating Silverlight 2 applications that use ADO.NET Data Services is in the new issue of MSDN Magazine. In this article I show you how to create a ADO.NET Data Service as well as how to call that service using the Silverlight 2 Data Service Library.

What is cool about this approach is that you can issue LINQ queries on the client (in Silverlight 2) that will communicate with Data Services via the REST interface and execute queries and update data on the server.  The substantial difference that you will have to get used to is the use of Asynchronous LINQ queries in Silverlight 2.  Check out the article for all the details.