Tag: 'ado.net'

A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 1 - Getting Started
A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 1 - Getting Started
February 25, 2015

Over the past few weeks I’ve been playing with the new ASP.NET 5 (also known as ASP.NET vNext) bits using Visual Studio 2015. I’m trying to make sense of the new changes and how they will affect how I build websites. I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned about the new stack.

How We Used Data in GiveAQuiz.com
How We Used Data in GiveAQuiz.com
July 19, 2010

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff84745...

ADO.NET Data Services 1.5 Feature: Projections
ADO.NET Data Services 1.5 Feature: Projections
September 9, 2009

If you've been following my blog, you should know that I am keeping a pretty close watch on ADO.NET Data Services. The team recently released a second CTP of the new version with some interesting features. This CTP has some pretty compelling additions, but I am going ot focus on one in particular.

"Which Data Access Should I Use for Silverlight 3?"
"Which Data Access Should I Use for Silverlight 3?"
August 16, 2009

Entity Framework Model Generation with TPH Detection
Entity Framework Model Generation with TPH Detection
April 4, 2009

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2009/04/04...

See my Silverlight Data Access Talk from DevReach
See my Silverlight Data Access Talk from DevReach
January 12, 2009

Url: http://www.silverlightshow.net/shows/Consuming-...

Not at the PDC? Come Watch Me Talk about ADO.NET Data Services
Not at the PDC? Come Watch Me Talk about ADO.NET Data Services
October 30, 2008

Url: http://notatpdc.com/presentations/

First Impressions of Oslo
First Impressions of Oslo
October 29, 2008

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/oslo

ADO.NET Data Services and TimeZone
ADO.NET Data Services and TimeZone
October 13, 2008

There is a known problem with ADO.NET Data Services today that is important if you (or your server) lives in specific timezones.  The problem is associated with the way that the Silverlight Data Services Library constructs their URI for searches. 

Silverlight and ADO.NET Data Service Operations
Silverlight and ADO.NET Data Service Operations
October 1, 2008

In building my Silverlight RC example using ADO.NET Data Services for Entity Framework and NHibernate I ran into what I think is a common pattern.  I am writing an editor for XBox game data. The model for this data uses decorator tables in the database which are modeled as a common "Product" class and derived "Game", "Console" and "Accessory" classes.  In the application I am using paging to only look at fifty results at once. This works fine on both sides. 

Update on NHibernate 2.0 and LINQ
Update on NHibernate 2.0 and LINQ
September 10, 2008

Url: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/09/11/NHibe...

My Silverlight 2 Data Services Article Code Updated
My Silverlight 2 Data Services Article Code Updated
September 5, 2008

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/sl2_ds_example.zip

New Build of Silverlight Library for Data Services!
New Build of Silverlight Library for Data Services!
September 2, 2008

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/astoriateam/archive/2008/...

Caveats About My Silverlight 2 Data Services Article
Caveats About My Silverlight 2 Data Services Article
September 1, 2008

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc7942...

My ADO.NET Data Services/Silverlight 2 Article on MSDN Magazine
My ADO.NET Data Services/Silverlight 2 Article on MSDN Magazine
August 31, 2008

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc7942...

The Fable of the Perfect ORM
The Fable of the Perfect ORM
August 30, 2008

Data is a funny business. While at the moment I am spending a lot of time teaching Silverlight, my passion still lives in the data. I was brought up on  Minisystems (Multi-user CP/M and the like) where you were dealing with something like a database (though we didn't have that as firm a concept as you might think). Later I did quite a lot of desktop database development starting with dBase II (yes, I am that old), Paradox, Clipper, FoxPro and even Access. That naturally led to client-server and N-Tier development. Throughout all the time its become exceptionally clear how much data matters to most applications.

VS 2008 SP1 RTM   Silverlight 2 Beta 2 == No ADO.NET Data Services
VS 2008 SP1 RTM Silverlight 2 Beta 2 == No ADO.NET Data Services
August 11, 2008

Url: http://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2008/08/11/vis...

Rigidity in Data Design
Rigidity in Data Design
August 9, 2008

To many developers this may seem odd. I talk with many staunch ALT.NET guys, and the DDD philosophy seems to be that data is a top-down or at worse, bottom up design problem. The issue here is that there is an assumption that just simply not true that data design is part of most software development projects. The reality based on my experience as well as the experience of talking with developers in the community is that many projects (though its hard to exactly quantify what percentage) begin with existing data. This is especially true in the enterprise where data exists in many forms from new databases, legacy servers (e.g. mainframes) or even flat files and XML. It is the rare project that is new code against all new data.

"No Confidence Vote on EF" et al.
"No Confidence Vote on EF" et al.
June 26, 2008

The Entity Framework "No Confidence Vote" is a couple of days old now. I wanted to give the Internet a couple of days to chew it over and figure out where it really fit into the big picture. If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen some back and forth between Scott Belware and I recently. Most of this back and forth has been about his attacks of the Microsoft community (attacks of the technology or even the company are fair game as far as I am concerned).  Getting personal by accusing me, the Microsoft community or even individual EF Team member's directly seems petty and unnecessary.

Debugging ADO.NET Data Services...with Fiddler2
Debugging ADO.NET Data Services...with Fiddler2
June 7, 2008

Url: http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/

Using ADO.NET Data Services in Silverlight 2 Beta 2
Using ADO.NET Data Services in Silverlight 2 Beta 2
June 6, 2008

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/bb931106.aspx

ADO.NET Data Services Bug...
ADO.NET Data Services Bug...
May 22, 2008

There is a bug in the current ADO.NET Data Services that ships with .NET 3.5 SP1 Beta 1.  The problem involves saving related data.  If the child object requires the relationship to the parent object, the update fails.

Upgrading Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services to SP1
Upgrading Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services to SP1
May 15, 2008

I've known Julie Lerman (or is it Julia these days ;) for a long time now.  She's an excellent resource for everything data related.  In particular she's been keeping up with the Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services (formerly Astoria) updates in .NET 3.5 and VS SP1 Beta that was just released this week.  If you are upgrading projects (like I am), she has two excellent blog posts about how to upgrade your projects:

Results of the Data Access Poll
Results of the Data Access Poll
March 26, 2008

If you havent voted, please feel free to vote for what data access strategy here:

Data Access Strategies
Data Access Strategies
March 21, 2008

I had interesting conversations with a number of people about different data access/ORM strategies at MIX recently and was trying to understand where people are spending their efforts in consuming data. The conversation was essentially a discussion of who is using what to access data in .NET applications. I had assumed that certain solutions were widely used and others were not but I didn't have a good idea of what the market was really like. To help me with this I am asking you (my readers) to share with me where you are investing time in data access by taking the following poll:

Come Hear Me at the Alabama Code Camp this Saturday
Come Hear Me at the Alabama Code Camp this Saturday
February 21, 2008

Url: http://www.alabamacodecamp.com

Hear Me Discuss Astoria on Hanselminutes
Hear Me Discuss Astoria on Hanselminutes
January 23, 2008

Url: http://hanselminutes.com/default.aspx?showID=115

Astoria Silverlight Extensions Released!
Astoria Silverlight Extensions Released!
January 11, 2008

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

ADO.NET Data Services (e.g. Astoria) Docs Hiding in Plain Sight
ADO.NET Data Services (e.g. Astoria) Docs Hiding in Plain Sight
December 11, 2007

Url: http://astoria.mslivelabs.com/Using%20ADO.NET%2...

Astoria is now ASP.NET Data Services
Astoria is now ASP.NET Data Services
December 10, 2007

Url: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/12/...

New CTP's from Microsoft...
New CTP's from Microsoft...
December 7, 2007

Over the past week there have been a flurry of new projects coming out of Microsoft, mostly in the form of CTP's.  I've been downloading like crazy and will likely be discussing my experience with them in the coming week.  In case you missed any of them:

SilverlightData.com Source Now Available
SilverlightData.com Source Now Available
November 19, 2007

Url: http://silverlightdata.com

Silverlight Data Example now using Astoria's Silverlight Client API
Silverlight Data Example now using Astoria's Silverlight Client API
November 19, 2007

Url: http://silverlightdata.com

Silverlight   Entity Framework   Astoria == Crazy?
Silverlight Entity Framework Astoria == Crazy?
October 19, 2007

Url: http://www.silverlightdata.com

Atlanta MSDN Event - Astoria and Silverlight
Atlanta MSDN Event - Astoria and Silverlight
October 11, 2007

Url: http://msevents.microsoft.com/cui/EventDetail.a...

Persistence Ignorance in Entity Framework
Persistence Ignorance in Entity Framework
September 26, 2007

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/dsimmons/archive/2007/09/...

Polymorphic Entity Framework Designer Example
Polymorphic Entity Framework Designer Example
August 31, 2007

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/testef.zip

Entity Framework June CTP Now Available
Entity Framework June CTP Now Available
July 2, 2007

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2007/07/02...

My Entity Data Model Article is Up!
My Entity Data Model Article is Up!
May 12, 2007

Url: http://www.theserverside.net/tt/articles/showar...

The C# Team seems to speak out of both sides of its mouth
The C# Team seems to speak out of both sides of its mouth
March 18, 2007

Url: http://www.panopticoncentral.net/archive/2005/0...

Orcas March CTP Released
Orcas March CTP Released
February 28, 2007

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

Using the Visual Studio Connection String Dialog
Using the Visual Studio Connection String Dialog
January 29, 2007

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/TestDataConnect...

ADO.NET 2.0 and Asynchronous Execution
ADO.NET 2.0 and Asynchronous Execution
November 11, 2006

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?u...

ADO.NET Team Blogs about LOB Access through SqlDataReaders...
ADO.NET Team Blogs about LOB Access through SqlDataReaders...
October 31, 2006

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet/archive/2006/10/30...

SqlDataSource Issues...
SqlDataSource Issues...
August 25, 2006

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/datasourcesgone...

Announcing: "The ADO Guy Teaches: Enterprise Data Architecture"
Announcing: "The ADO Guy Teaches: Enterprise Data Architecture"
August 2, 2006

Url: http://www.dunntraining.com/EnterpriseDataArchi...

Book Review: ADO.NET 2.0 - Advanced Topics
Book Review: ADO.NET 2.0 - Advanced Topics
July 17, 2006

Url: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0735621411

BINARY_CHECKSUM and Database Concurrency
BINARY_CHECKSUM and Database Concurrency
June 8, 2006

Url: http://wildermuth.com/viewrant.aspx?id=2053

TableAdapters - A Critique
TableAdapters - A Critique
June 8, 2006

I have been a fan of Typed DataSets since the PDC Beta of .NET.  I’ve been asked to detail my recent criticism of Table Adapters in the .NET 2.0 Typed DataSets. Here are the points that I am most concerned with:

Timestamps and TableAdapters
Timestamps and TableAdapters
June 8, 2006

I was having a chat with David Sceppa about TableAdapters recently when he mentioned that in the final VS 2005 bits, the TableAdapters will use timestamp fields for concurrency.  I told him flatly I didn't think it worked, but I was wrong.  If you create a Table in a Typed DataSet in VS 2005 and include the timestamp field in the select statement, it will use the timestamp field for concurrency.  Awesome!

What ADO.NET 2.0 Book Do I Recommend?
What ADO.NET 2.0 Book Do I Recommend?
March 25, 2006

Url: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/15905951...

My New Article on NHibernate is Up!
My New Article on NHibernate is Up!
February 12, 2006

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1895,192569...

Slow Transactions with System.Transactions and SQL Server 2000
Slow Transactions with System.Transactions and SQL Server 2000
January 20, 2006

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/florinlazar/archive/2005/...

OR Mappers, Code Generators and Business Object Frameworks
OR Mappers, Code Generators and Business Object Frameworks
December 2, 2005

I am currently doing a bunch of evaluations on OR Mappers, Code Gen and Business Object Frameworks for my new book.  If anyone knows about anything great that might go unnoticed, please drop a comment or send me an email!

Surprise!  A New Review of My Book
Surprise! A New Review of My Book
July 6, 2005

Url: http://dotnet.sys-con.com/read/105634.htm

Upgrading Typed DataSets in Visual Studio 2005
Upgrading Typed DataSets in Visual Studio 2005
July 5, 2005

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1895,183430...

TableAdapters, DataAdapters and Migrated Typed DataSets
TableAdapters, DataAdapters and Migrated Typed DataSets
June 28, 2005

In Visual Studio 2005, when you create a Typed DataSet, it automatically creates TableAdapters for you.  These are interesting objects that use a DataAdapter internally to make a more cohesive data access layer.  It will certainly help the RAD developers get started.  I am not so sure about how they will work long-term though. 

Well Thought Out Blog on Typed DataSets
Well Thought Out Blog on Typed DataSets
June 21, 2005

Url: http://jelle.druyts.net/PermaLink.aspx?guid=616...

Oracle 10g Supporting the CLR?
Oracle 10g Supporting the CLR?
June 20, 2005

Url: http://news.com.com/Oracle+readies+second+grid+...

DataSet.ClearBeforeFill? (UPDATED!)
DataSet.ClearBeforeFill? (UPDATED!)
June 18, 2005

In previous builds, the DataSet had a property on them that said whether they should clear the DataSet whenever it is Filled by a DataAdapter.  It seems to be missing in the latest builds.  I actually prefer this because the nature of DataSets (and often overlooked) is that successive DataAdapter.Fill's will allow a DataSet to grow incrementally.  New rows will be added, and existing rows will be updated (unless it is dirty, then you would get an exception). 

Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (in the Enterprise library, circa Jan 05)
Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (in the Enterprise library, circa Jan 05)
March 28, 2005

Url: http://wildermuth.com/content.aspx?id=rantview&...

Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (v2)
Why I Don't Like the Data Access Block (v2)
March 28, 2005

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

Raise your hand if you know what DataAdapter.TableMappings is for...
Raise your hand if you know what DataAdapter.TableMappings is for...
February 23, 2005

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?u...

New Oracle .NET Technology Center
New Oracle .NET Technology Center
February 21, 2005

Url: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/dotnet/in...

Rocky and I Agree on n-Tier Development
Rocky and I Agree on n-Tier Development
February 19, 2005

Url: http://www.lhotka.net/WeBlog/PermaLink.aspx?gui...

Is Data Access Really This Hard?
Is Data Access Really This Hard?
February 15, 2005

I've been spending some time lately reviewing how companies are doing data access in .NET.  When I look at how most of them have crufted up solutions, I am amazed.  The model that Microsoft supports seems so obvious to me, but I am neck deep in it.  I'd like to hear from my readers their specific experience with creating data access in .NET; with an eye to why or why not use COM+ for transactions; Typed DataSet or DataReaders; Business Objects or Messages.  I am trying to understand where the community is.

DataAdapters and Component Surfaces (or why I love using the toolset)
DataAdapters and Component Surfaces (or why I love using the toolset)
February 11, 2005

I always forget this blog this, but when I am doing a database project using Typed DataSets, I almost always use a Component Surface to build my DataAdapters interactively.  For example:

In Response to Sahil Malik's Null problem
In Response to Sahil Malik's Null problem
January 25, 2005

Url: http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/sahilmalik/arch...

Rocky Lhotka on DataSets and Web Services and why I think he's wrong...
Rocky Lhotka on DataSets and Web Services and why I think he's wrong...
January 24, 2005

Url: http://www.lhotka.net/WeBlog/CommentView.aspx?g...

DataSet Updater Helper Method
DataSet Updater Helper Method
January 19, 2005

For some time now I've been pushing the idea of doing DataSet updates using DataAdapters that use a 1-to-1 relationship between DataAdapter and logical data elements (e.g. Tables or Stored Procedures usually).  This is especially true when you are dealing with related tables in DataSets (the sweet spot for DataSets IMHO).  I've continually forgotten to post this code that I use to do these updates.  The idea of this code is for the user to provide arrays of Tables and DataAdapters that imply the order of the updates.  For example

Hoping that Microsoft Makes the ADO.NET PowerPack Obsolete
Hoping that Microsoft Makes the ADO.NET PowerPack Obsolete
January 17, 2005

ADO.NET Powertoys and GotDotNet Workspace
ADO.NET Powertoys and GotDotNet Workspace
October 25, 2004

Url: http://wildermuth.com/powertoys

Data Part 2: n-Tier...Gone Tomorrow
Data Part 2: n-Tier...Gone Tomorrow
October 8, 2004

Recently I was talking with Rocky Lhotka and he said something interesting:

Data Part 1:  Business Objects, Messages and DataSets...
Data Part 1: Business Objects, Messages and DataSets...
October 7, 2004

I've had time lately to think about the nature of data in development lately.  I've been talking with Rocky Lhotka and Michael Earls about it (as well as number of others) about the issues with dealing with data in applications. 

Connections, Command and Transactions...oh my!
Connections, Command and Transactions...oh my!
October 6, 2004

I was taking a refresher MCSD test today to get ready to take one of the tests and came upon a question that is wrong.  But it does infer that there is some confusion about how transactions are propogated to commands...or may be evidence that it is a bug.  For example:

November 25, 2003

Url: http://www.sellsbrothers.com/tools/#CsvFileTester

Things About Typed DataSet Generation I Never Noticed...
Things About Typed DataSet Generation I Never Noticed...
August 14, 2003

I have been thinking a lot about how Typed DataSets are generated and was spelunking through the code again when it got me thinking. The Typed DataSet generator doesn't really generate the code based on the .xsd, but on the DataSet. It simply loads the .xsd into a DataSet then interrogates the DataSet directly for everything (tables, columns, relationships, constraints). So if the Typed DataSet Designer cannot handle something (like relationships *without* constraints, see below), but the DataSet schema allows it...simply create the DataSet and save the .xsd file to see what it produces! This gets around some fundamental problems with the designer. It does require you start looking and understanding .xsd, but it is a useful skill to have anyway...right?

ADO.NET's DataAdapters and Opened Connections
ADO.NET's DataAdapters and Opened Connections
October 14, 2002

I have been reviewing a bunch of code that utilizes ADO.NET's DataAdapters. This code has been some samples that are on the Internet, some questions directly to http://wildermuth.com and others from DevelopMentor's .NET Mailing Lists. One thing I have noticed is that much of that code is opening the database connection before using the DataAdapter to fill a DataSet.

Web Services and DataSets: Why the Bad Rap?
Web Services and DataSets: Why the Bad Rap?
October 10, 2002

Why is everyone so down on using DataSets in .NET Web Services? Sure, I’ll admit that using DataSets directly as Web Service parameters are indeed a problem. But why throw the baby out with the bath water?