Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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The Silverlight Tour Now Includes Silverlight 3!
The Silverlight Tour Now Includes Silverlight 3!
March 20, 2009


The Silverlight Tour is happy to announce that we now include Silverlight 3 features in our normal Silverlight Tour schedule. Our first Silverlight 3 class will be the Chicago, IL class that takes place on April 6-8th. If you are ready to learn all there is to know about Silverlight 2 and 3, the Silverlight Tour is the right place to be.  The new content includes changes and improvements to the platform including:

  • The Out-of-Browser experience.
  • Use Pixel Shaders and 3D transformations.
  • Build Behaviors.
  • Styling Improvements including Merge Dictionaries and Based-on Styles
  • Data Validation using the Control Model
  • Working with Binary XML
  • Using the new Bitmap APIs
  • Blend 3 Preview Coverage

For more information, visit: