Tag: 'training'

I'm Hosting Two New Online Courses
I'm Hosting Two New Online Courses
February 17, 2023

As you likely know if you've read my blog before, I have spent the last decade or so creating courses to be viewed on Pluralsight. I love making these kinds of video-based courses, but I've decided to get back to instructor led training a bit.

What Surprised Me About ECMAScript Modules
What Surprised Me About ECMAScript Modules
February 1, 2023

I've been writing JavaScript (and TypeScript) for a lot of years. But digging into the course made me understand how some of this modularity actually worked. Let's talk about some things that surprised me.

New Course: TailwindCSS Fundamentals
New Course: TailwindCSS Fundamentals
July 22, 2022

I've been diving deeper into the client-side development pool. One technology I'm really passionate about is TailwindCSS. In that vein, I've just completed a new course for Pluralsight called "TailwindCSS Fundamentals".

My ASP.NET Core and Vue.js Workshop in Atlanta
My ASP.NET Core and Vue.js Workshop in Atlanta
November 28, 2018

After spending most of my time creating online courses, I realized I missed the gratification that I get from face-to-face training. I've decided to do 3-4 workshops a year.

New Day for Wilder Minds Training
New Day for Wilder Minds Training
January 30, 2018

As many of you know, I've been making courses for Pluralsight for a long time now. I think my first course was released in 2011.

New ASP.NET Core 2 Workshop in Atlanta
New ASP.NET Core 2 Workshop in Atlanta
January 22, 2018

I'm getting back into face-to-face training. And I'm starting with a new workshop on ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5. If you're in Atlanta or can get here, I'll be doing a three-day workshop from May 16-18th this year.

New Year, New Skills: ASP.NET Core 2.0 and Angular Course
New Year, New Skills: ASP.NET Core 2.0 and Angular Course
January 2, 2018

Nothing starts a new year like a new skill or two. A couple of months ago I released a new Pluralsight course on building a website using ASP.NET Core 2.0 and Angular.

New Training Options at WilderMinds
New Training Options at WilderMinds
June 20, 2017

I know that some people learn better in-person than online, so starting next month I’ll be back to offering in-person courses. These includes some of the same topics as my popular Pluralsight course, as well as topics that are not covered there.

Using VS Code and ASP.NET Core?
Using VS Code and ASP.NET Core?
June 4, 2017

New Course on Building an API with ASP.NET Core
New Course on Building an API with ASP.NET Core
February 7, 2017

Are you new to ASP.NET Core? Maybe you’re building an API for your SPA, mobile app, or just your web app. I recently released a new Pluralsight course that can help you.

ASP.NET 5 and Bower
ASP.NET 5 and Bower
November 10, 2015

As most of you already know, I have a new course on ASP.NET 5. I’ve just released a teaser video that shows how the Bower.json editor in Visual Studio works.

New Course on ASP.NET 5!
New Course on ASP.NET 5!
October 11, 2015

If you read my blog, you probably already know how excited I am about ASP.NET 5. To dovetail with that, I’ve created a nine-hour course on Pluralsight that covers this brand-new technology from Redmond.

New ASPNET5 Course Coming
New ASPNET5 Course Coming
August 25, 2015

I’m diligently working towards my new Pluralsight course and I am very excited about it. The new course is an end-to-end building of a web app using ASP.NET 5, MVC6, Entity Framework 7, Angular 1.4, and Bootstrap 3.x.

Mapping Between Entities and View Models
Mapping Between Entities and View Models
July 22, 2015

As many of you know, my recent course on Pluralsight dealt with Best Practices in ASP.NET: Entities, Validation and View Models. As I’ve worked with clients, there seem to be a non-ending list of ways to deal with data in ASP.NET.

My Entities, Validation and View Models Course
My Entities, Validation and View Models Course
June 26, 2015

A few weeks back, I released a new course on Pluralsight. This new course talks through what I consider “Best Practices” (though there are no absolutes) for ASP.NET Entities, View Models, and Validation.

My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
November 5, 2014

Last week my seventeenth course for Pluralsight! I love building content for Pluralsight and it allows me to teach technologies that I am utilizing in my own life. This new course is no different.

New Course: Front-end Web Dev Quick Start
New Course: Front-end Web Dev Quick Start
August 31, 2014

It’s that time again. I’ve recently released a new course on Pluralsight. This time I tackle Web Development for complete beginners.

New Course on .NET Code Reviews
New Course on .NET Code Reviews
May 1, 2014

One of the things that I help companies with are code reviews. I love doing code reviews. It let’s me look at a large codebase with fresh eyes and help a company out with a set of recommendations for improving their process, teams and code.

I'm Coming to Belgium to Teach Web Development
I'm Coming to Belgium to Teach Web Development
April 13, 2014

As many of you know, I am heading out on World Tour this June and heading across Europe and Asia for a year. For the first stop, I’ve partnered with Sparkles to do a training in Belgium this June. If you’re in Europe and you’ve been looking for a way to easily take my web development course, this is your opportunity. We’re only holding it once in Northern Europe.

Node.js for .NET Developers
Node.js for .NET Developers
April 6, 2014

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been dipping more than my toe in the waters of Node.js. I think Node.js has a lot to teach us as ASP.NET Web Developers; most of it good.

New Pluralsight Course on Large Scale JavaScript
New Pluralsight Course on Large Scale JavaScript
February 3, 2014

I am having a great time building courses for Pluralsight. While my early courses focused on XAML technologies, the past few years I’ve been loving building web, HTML and JavaScript focused courses. I’m proud to announce my latest course is now live.

New to Web API? Don't Rush to Implementation
New to Web API? Don't Rush to Implementation
January 20, 2014

I’ve been getting good feedback on my Web API course on Pluralsight but some of the comments have concerned me. Lots of the students (from my small sample size) seem to be trying to infer how to *design* an API, not just implement one. That course is specifically about how to implement an API.

JavaScript Function Scopes
JavaScript Function Scopes
October 16, 2013

As some of you know, I authored a Pluralsight course on JavaScript for C# Developers. We’ve released an excerpt from that course covering how JavaScript function scopes work.

Refactoring Nested CSS Rules using LESS
Refactoring Nested CSS Rules using LESS
September 10, 2013

One of my favorite features of LESS is the ability to simplify my CSS rules that are deeply nested by using LESS to compose them more simply. I like this feature because it gives me the ability to clean up messy CSS files and make them more maintainable. Take a look to see what I am talking about.

My New Web Development Course is Live
My New Web Development Course is Live
August 5, 2013

Are you getting ready to build a new website? Are you interested in shortening your development by using Bootstrap, AngularJS, Azure and ASP.NET? If so, my new course might be just for you.

JavaScript for C# Developers Live!
JavaScript for C# Developers Live!
October 9, 2012

My New Course: JavaScript for C# Devs
My New Course: JavaScript for C# Devs
August 31, 2012

If you are a C# developer who is ready to take on JavaScript, I have the course for you. The goal of the new course is to help C# developers understand the nature of JavaScript so you can write JavaScript like a native speaker. This is for developers who need JavaScript for any of the popular places to use JavaScript including:

What is Wilder Minds?
What is Wilder Minds?
April 22, 2012

As many of you have known for a while, I've been running my AgiliTrain training company focusing on technologies like Silverlight, WPF and the Web. My interest in training isn't going away, but I've yearned to work with a small group of thought leaders to help companies in more innovative ways. With this goal in mind, I am launching Wilder Minds.

The Web Workshop: Client-Side Dev Training
The Web Workshop: Client-Side Dev Training
January 22, 2012

New Cities and New Courses
New Cities and New Courses
January 12, 2012

I am Coming to Washington DC for 2 Classes
I am Coming to Washington DC for 2 Classes
October 24, 2011

My New Silverlight Services Course is Live
My New Silverlight Services Course is Live
October 13, 2011

I am happy to announce my new online course on using Silverlight Server Communication is now available on Pluralsight. This course covers the basics of using services from with Silverlight projects. The course covers:

Want to Learn iOS or Android?
Want to Learn iOS or Android?
October 9, 2011

AgiliTrain has partnered with the excellent Wei-Meng Lee (author of several books on iPhone, iPad and Android development) to provide three new courses this winter. He’s coming to Atlanta to teach both iOS and Android development. The courses include:

Silverlight Tour Updated for SL5 RC!
Silverlight Tour Updated for SL5 RC!
September 1, 2011


Silverlight Tour Now Includes Silverlight 5!
Silverlight Tour Now Includes Silverlight 5!
April 13, 2011

Url: https://agilitrain.com/Workshop/EventInfo/225

Watch my PluralSight Silverlight 5 Course for Free (for 24 hours)
Watch my PluralSight Silverlight 5 Course for Free (for 24 hours)
April 13, 2011

Url: http://www.pluralsight-training.net/microsoft/o...

AgiliTrain announces 1H 2011 Schedule and New Early Bird Pricing!
AgiliTrain announces 1H 2011 Schedule and New Early Bird Pricing!
November 8, 2010

Last Two Stops of the Silverlight Tour 2010!
Last Two Stops of the Silverlight Tour 2010!
October 27, 2010

My Windows Phone 7 Workshop at DevConnections
My Windows Phone 7 Workshop at DevConnections
September 23, 2010

AgiliTrain is Giving Away Three Seats to Silverlight Courses
AgiliTrain is Giving Away Three Seats to Silverlight Courses
March 13, 2010

Url: http://twitter.com/agilitrain

Fall/Winter Silverlight Tour Schedule
Fall/Winter Silverlight Tour Schedule
September 20, 2009

Url: https://agilitrain.com/workshop/info/Silverligh...

AgiliTrain and Rachel Appel Announce New Classes
AgiliTrain and Rachel Appel Announce New Classes
July 2, 2009

Announcing "Agile Database Techniques" Workshop
Announcing "Agile Database Techniques" Workshop
June 22, 2009

Url: https://agilitrain.com/Workshop/Info/Agile_Data...

Advanced Silverlight Workshop - One Week Left!
Advanced Silverlight Workshop - One Week Left!
March 23, 2009

Url: https://agilitrain.com/workshop/info/Advanced_S...

The Silverlight Tour Now Includes Silverlight 3!
The Silverlight Tour Now Includes Silverlight 3!
March 20, 2009

Url: https://silverlight-tour.com

Reminder: Advanced Silverlight Workshop
Reminder: Advanced Silverlight Workshop
March 18, 2009

Url: https://agilitrain.com/workshop/info/Advanced_S...

Building AgiliTrain: Part 3 - Data Validation
Building AgiliTrain: Part 3 - Data Validation
February 5, 2009

Building AgiliTrain: Part 2 - MVC in Action
Building AgiliTrain: Part 2 - MVC in Action
January 31, 2009

In Part 1 of this series, I talked about why I used MVC to create my new venture.  In this second part, I will talk about how I implemented MVC.

Announcing AgiliTrain!
Announcing AgiliTrain!
January 26, 2009

Url: https://agilitrain.com

Announcing the Silverlight Tour in French
Announcing the Silverlight Tour in French
July 6, 2008

Url: http://www.silverlight-tour.com

Geek Dinner with G. Andrew Duthie
Geek Dinner with G. Andrew Duthie
June 17, 2008

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/gduthie/archive/2008/06/1...

Geek Dinner in DC
Geek Dinner in DC
June 10, 2008

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/gduthie/archive/2008/06/1...

Only a few seats left...for Beta 2
Only a few seats left...for Beta 2
June 9, 2008

Url: http://www.silverlight-tour.com

Silverlight Beta 2 Announced - Silverlight Tour Follows Suit
Silverlight Beta 2 Announced - Silverlight Tour Follows Suit
June 3, 2008

Url: http://geekswithblogs.net/WynApseTechnicalMusin...

Barely Made it to Toronto...
Barely Made it to Toronto...
December 16, 2007

I am not sure exactly how the pilot actually landed today, but he did it.  I made to Toronto for the Silverlight Workshop on Monday.  Here are some pictures of the snow (sorry for the lousy pics, my cell phone camera kinda sucks):

Silverlight Tour in Toronto
Silverlight Tour in Toronto
December 10, 2007

Url: http://www.newyyz.com/NtgSite/?Category=Microso...

Silverlight Workshop - The Tour!
Silverlight Workshop - The Tour!
July 31, 2007

Url: http://www.silverlight-tour.com

Atlanta Silverlight Workshop
Atlanta Silverlight Workshop
May 11, 2007

Url: http://www.dunntraining.com/SilverlightTraining...

Announcing: "The ADO Guy Teaches: Enterprise Data Architecture"
Announcing: "The ADO Guy Teaches: Enterprise Data Architecture"
August 2, 2006

Url: http://www.dunntraining.com/EnterpriseDataArchi...

MIT Course Materials to be Released on Web...
MIT Course Materials to be Released on Web...
September 29, 2003

Url: http://news.com.com/2100-1025-5083840.html?tag=...