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So it seems pretty clear that Windows Phone 7 is taking the Silverlight world by storm (and the XNA people too). But what if you’re not already caught up in the Silverlight storm and you want to write applications for the upcoming phone? That’s where I can help!
I run AgiliTrain, a training company specializating in cutting edge technologies. AgiliTrain teaches public courses all over the country (and all over the world through strategic partnerships). We’ve been teaching Silverlight since before it was called Silverlight (anyone remember WPF/E?). We wanted to take our experience teaching Silverlight these last few years and help phone developers learn how to build rich applications for the new phone platform.
To this end, we’ve added a new course specifically to teach Silverlight for the Windows Phone 7. The Silverlight Tour for Windows Phone Workshop is a three-day course on Windows Phone 7 Series development using Silverlight. It divides the content into three distinct areas: Design, Development and the Server-Side. Students should be able to develop applications for the phone once they have attended the workshop. The Workshop is structured with a mix of didactic lessons, demonstrations and hands-on labs. Each student will leave the workshop having created several small Silverlight applications. This variety of learning techniques will ensure that all students become proficient in the technology quickly and in an exciting way. Unlike other hands-on course, we teach our courses in small classes (we max out at twenty students) and a significant about of the class is writing actual code.
We are about to teach our first workshop for the phone in Atlanta on September 8-10th, 2010. Since its our first course, we are offering an opportunity for the early adopters out there to be part of our Beta version of the class for a significant discount. For this date only, we’re offering a price of only $1,499 (normally $1,999) for the course. If you are interested in attending, you can register for the class on the AgiliTrain site and use the coupon code (WP7BETACLASS). You can review the course, outline and registration information on the AgiliTrain website here:
If you’re not sure whether you can attend yet, but want to make sure it doesn’t sell out, you can hold a seat using this link: