Tag: 'windows phone'

The Other Windows Phone 8.1 Features
The Other Windows Phone 8.1 Features
April 17, 2014

A lot of blogs have been showing off and talking about new Windows Phone 8.1 features that are the big picture features I love like Cortana, Action Center and even the new Calendar views.

My First Week With Nokia Lumia 1020
My First Week With Nokia Lumia 1020
August 4, 2013

A week ago I splurged and upgraded my Lumia 920 to the Lumia 1020. So to those of you who were expecting me to switch over the Android or an iDevice; I'm still entrenched in the Windows Phone world. And this phone cements my opinion to stay.  Let's talk about the good and the bad.

750 Windows Phone Apps?
750 Windows Phone Apps?
July 28, 2013

Today I picked up a Lumia 1020. I am impressed with the camera as you'd expect but I am also loving the size. It's about the same size as the 920 except for the extra camera bump. It feels lighter than I expected. The AMOLED screen with Gorilla Glass 3 looks great too.

Clarifying Windows Phone 8 HTML5 Apps
Clarifying Windows Phone 8 HTML5 Apps
November 5, 2012

Why Am I Excited about Windows Phone 8 SDK?
Why Am I Excited about Windows Phone 8 SDK?
October 30, 2012

Today Microsoft is finally releasing the new Windows Phone 8 SDK. As I've been updating my Windows Phone book for this new incarnation of the device, I am excited that the SDK is finally going to be available for public consumption.

Windows Phone 8 - What do I think?
Windows Phone 8 - What do I think?
June 22, 2012

So the Windows Phone event is over and I’ve had time to digest it somewhat and read between the lines. At the time (for those who read my twitter feed), I was quite reactionary and upset at much of the news. Most of this what as a user of a Windows Phone, not as a developer of a Windows Phone. Do note that another caveat is that I am an author of a Windows Phone 7.5 book, and the thought of my book being suddenly obsolete was upsetting as well (but that happens every time one of my books passes the new car smell line). So let me talk briefly about what I think about the news from both a user and a developer on the Windows Phone platform.

Move Your WP7 Apps Links to the Marketplace
Move Your WP7 Apps Links to the Marketplace
May 27, 2012

UPDATED: Changed links to be universal, not US specific.

Does Silverlight Matter to Windows Phone 8?
Does Silverlight Matter to Windows Phone 8?
April 9, 2012

A lot has been made since a report from Microsoft late last week (http://shawnw.me/HPEh0R) that seemed to say that Silverlight on the phone was going away in Windows Phone 8 (Apollo). I liked a lot of what this article had to say (from e-week):

Top 10 Mango Features Article
Top 10 Mango Features Article
January 31, 2012

My new article in DevProConnections Magazine is now live. If you want to see the top ten features of Windows Phone 7.5 (according to me), go see the article now!

Essential Windows Phone 7.5 Ships
Essential Windows Phone 7.5 Ships
December 4, 2011

40,000 Apps - What Does It Mean?
40,000 Apps - What Does It Mean?
November 20, 2011

So the Windows Phone Marketplace hit 40K apps. What does it mean to the platform? There are a number of articles out there that talk about the 40,000 apps and compares them to other platforms but I think they are missing a key differentiator.

What Win8 Should Learn from Windows Phone
What Win8 Should Learn from Windows Phone
November 14, 2011

As many of my readers know, I’ve been neck deep in the Windows Phone. More recently, I’ve been digging into Windows 8 development as well. On my most recent trip, I spent quite a bit of time with the BUILD tablet. Good news is that it’s a pretty good piece of hardware. Even though it’s not ARM, I am still getting a good four hours of battery life. This version of Windows 8 is early but I do think there are some things that Windows 8 should learn from what they’ve done with the Windows Phone. Here is a short list of what I think the team should look at on the phone:

Confusion Around WP7.1 Periodic Agents
Confusion Around WP7.1 Periodic Agents
October 15, 2011

After my recent post on Periodic Agents, I had a number of people react to specific parts of the API. Let’s discuss each of these separately.

Periodic Agents on Windows Phone 7.1
Periodic Agents on Windows Phone 7.1
September 6, 2011

More on Updating Apps for Mango
More on Updating Apps for Mango
August 30, 2011

Windows Phone 7.1 SDK is Alarming
Windows Phone 7.1 SDK is Alarming
August 29, 2011

URL: MangoAlarms.zip

Fun With New Live Tile API
Fun With New Live Tile API
August 23, 2011

Maintaining a Project with Two Windows Phone Versions
Maintaining a Project with Two Windows Phone Versions
August 23, 2011

I am currently reading the Mango (Windows Phone OS 7.1) version of my Phoney Tools project. But I have a particular problem: I need to maintain both a 7.0 and a 7.1 version of the project builds. You might have the same issue with your own project so I thought it’d be a good way to show off some special features that Visual Studio has to help you solve these sorts of situations. Essentially my goal was to maintain one set of code but build both sets from the same source.

Should You Upgrade Your WP7 App to Mango?
Should You Upgrade Your WP7 App to Mango?
August 22, 2011


What Version is Windows Phone Mango?
What Version is Windows Phone Mango?
August 19, 2011

In finishing up my new Windows Phone book, I had to deal with the confusing version problem. There are three version numbers to be aware of:

Atlanta Code Camp - I'll Be There
Atlanta Code Camp - I'll Be There
June 16, 2011

Url: http://www.atlantacodecamp.org/default.aspx

Where Did I Go?
Where Did I Go?
June 6, 2011

Phoney Tools 1.0 Released!
Phoney Tools 1.0 Released!
April 11, 2011

Url: http://phoney.codeplex.com/

How Copy/Paste Works on WP7-Nodo
How Copy/Paste Works on WP7-Nodo
March 31, 2011

Url: http://shawnw.me/fT1Y5v

Phoney Tools v0.7 Released
Phoney Tools v0.7 Released
March 29, 2011

Url: http://phoney.codeplex.com

Phone Tools v0.6 Released - Breaking Change!
Phone Tools v0.6 Released - Breaking Change!
March 23, 2011

Url: http://phoney.codeplex.com

Phone Tools reaches Beta!
Phone Tools reaches Beta!
March 17, 2011

Url: http://phoney.codeplex.com

Phoney Tools Updated (WP7 Open Source Library)
Phoney Tools Updated (WP7 Open Source Library)
March 5, 2011

Url: http://phoney.codeplex.com

Introducing Phoney's FadingMessage Class
Introducing Phoney's FadingMessage Class
February 25, 2011

Url: http://www.vimeo.com/20362526

Phoney Windows Phone 7 Project Now Available!
Phoney Windows Phone 7 Project Now Available!
February 25, 2011

Url: http://phoney.codeplex.com/

Learning OData?  MSDN and I Have the videos for you!
Learning OData? MSDN and I Have the videos for you!
February 4, 2011

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ee720180

Ten Pet Peeves of WP7 Applications
Ten Pet Peeves of WP7 Applications
February 4, 2011

R.I.P. GooNews
R.I.P. GooNews
January 29, 2011

MIX 11 - Vote for My Talks (if you want)
MIX 11 - Vote for My Talks (if you want)
January 25, 2011

Architecting WP7 - Part 9 of 10: Threading
Architecting WP7 - Part 9 of 10: Threading
January 11, 2011

Architecting WP7 - Part 8 of 10: Toast Push Notifications
Architecting WP7 - Part 8 of 10: Toast Push Notifications
January 2, 2011

Look What I Built: GooNews for WP7
Look What I Built: GooNews for WP7
January 2, 2011

Url: http://social.zune.net/redirect?type=phoneApp&i...

Navigating with the WebBrowser Control on WP7
Navigating with the WebBrowser Control on WP7
December 24, 2010

Review of my Windows Phone 7 (HTC HD7)
Review of my Windows Phone 7 (HTC HD7)
November 14, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 7 of 10: Data on the Wire(less)
Architecting WP7 - Part 7 of 10: Data on the Wire(less)
November 13, 2010

AgiliTrain announces 1H 2011 Schedule and New Early Bird Pricing!
AgiliTrain announces 1H 2011 Schedule and New Early Bird Pricing!
November 8, 2010

A Week with WP7 from an Android User's Perspective
A Week with WP7 from an Android User's Perspective
October 29, 2010

Last Two Stops of the Silverlight Tour 2010!
Last Two Stops of the Silverlight Tour 2010!
October 27, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 6 of 10: Loosely Coupled Messaging
Architecting WP7 - Part 6 of 10: Loosely Coupled Messaging
October 20, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 5 of 10: Tombstoning
Architecting WP7 - Part 5 of 10: Tombstoning
October 17, 2010

My Windows Phone 7 Applications in the Marketplace!
My Windows Phone 7 Applications in the Marketplace!
October 15, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 4 of 10: Client-side Data
Architecting WP7 - Part 4 of 10: Client-side Data
October 14, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 3 of 10: Enough Architecture (or Where is my VM)
Architecting WP7 - Part 3 of 10: Enough Architecture (or Where is my VM)
October 13, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 2 of 10: Pivot and Panorama Issues
Architecting WP7 - Part 2 of 10: Pivot and Panorama Issues
October 12, 2010

Announcing Two Weeks of Architecting WP7 Apps
Announcing Two Weeks of Architecting WP7 Apps
October 11, 2010

Architecting WP7 - Part 1 of 10: Navigation Framework
Architecting WP7 - Part 1 of 10: Navigation Framework
October 11, 2010

On Design Paradigms for Windows Phone 7
On Design Paradigms for Windows Phone 7
October 5, 2010

Free Windows Phone 7 Events
Free Windows Phone 7 Events
September 28, 2010

Url: http://www.msdnevents.com/wp7

My Windows Phone 7 Workshop at DevConnections
My Windows Phone 7 Workshop at DevConnections
September 23, 2010

Building AgiliTrain's Workshop Application for WP7
Building AgiliTrain's Workshop Application for WP7
September 19, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Tools Final!
Windows Phone 7 Tools Final!
September 16, 2010

Url: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=185584

How Large Should Your Windows Phone 7 Apps Be?
How Large Should Your Windows Phone 7 Apps Be?
September 12, 2010

Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 4: Tombstoning
Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 4: Tombstoning
August 21, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/debuggingtombst...

Debugging Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7
Debugging Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7
August 19, 2010

Url: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/wpde...

Using ChildWindow in Windows Phone 7 Projects
Using ChildWindow in Windows Phone 7 Projects
August 17, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/wp7childwindow.zip

What I learned about Windows Phone 7 from Android
What I learned about Windows Phone 7 from Android
August 16, 2010

The Silverlight for the Windows Phone 7 Workshop (Beta Edition)
The Silverlight for the Windows Phone 7 Workshop (Beta Edition)
August 11, 2010

Url: https://agilitrain.com/Workshop/Info/Silverligh...

Using OData with Windows Phone 7 SDK Beta
Using OData with Windows Phone 7 SDK Beta
August 9, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/wp7odatamovies.zip

DevLink Talks - Slides and Code
DevLink Talks - Slides and Code
August 8, 2010

Url: http://devlink.net

Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 3: Your First App
Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 3: Your First App
August 1, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/lottophone.zip

Speaking at DevLink!
Speaking at DevLink!
August 1, 2010

Url: http://www.devlink.net

Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 2: Debugging on the Phone
Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 2: Debugging on the Phone
July 29, 2010

Talking about Windows Phone 7 at Atlanta .NET User Group
Talking about Windows Phone 7 at Atlanta .NET User Group
July 25, 2010

Url: http://www.atldotnet.org/default.aspx

Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 1: The Phone
Developing for the Windows Phone 7 - Part 1: The Phone
July 24, 2010

Bring Back Page Transitions to the Windows Phone List Application Template
Bring Back Page Transitions to the Windows Phone List Application Template
July 16, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/PhoneListWithTr...

What I Learned By Writing a WP7 App: Part 1 - Manipulations
What I Learned By Writing a WP7 App: Part 1 - Manipulations
June 24, 2010

My Thoughts on the Windows Phone 7
My Thoughts on the Windows Phone 7
May 15, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/xboxbrowser.zip

My First WP7 Application
My First WP7 Application
March 27, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/phonexboxbrowse...

MIX 10 Wrapup
MIX 10 Wrapup
March 18, 2010

AgiliTrain Announces Two New Windows Phone Courses
AgiliTrain Announces Two New Windows Phone Courses
March 15, 2010

Url: http://agilitrain.com