Shawn Wildermuth's Rants and Raves

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My Practical PhoneGap Course is now Live!
My Practical PhoneGap Course is now Live!
April 24, 2013

If you’re interested in cross-platform mobile apps, I like the solution that PhoneGap has. It uses HTML5/CSS/JS as the UI stack and I find it compelling to build apps for iOS, Android, Kindle, Windows Phone and Windows 8 Store. I’ve just released a new course on PhoneGap that attempts to fill in some of the holes in building apps.  The course includes:

  • What is the the PhoneGap philosophy
  • When to use (and not to use) PhoneGap
  • How to use Single-Page-Application (SPA) model to build mobile apps
  • How to get signing certs and provisioning profiles for iOS and Android apps
  • How to build using PhoneGap Build

Hope you enjoy the course. You can view it here: