Tag: 'css'

TailwindCSS Tip: Arbitrary Values in Utility Classes
TailwindCSS Tip: Arbitrary Values in Utility Classes
September 6, 2022

I'm currently redesigning this blog (coming soon) and I've been using TailwindCSS to handle most of the heavy lifting. Being able to use the utility classes to quickly design the new version of the site, has been a ton of fun.

New Course: TailwindCSS Fundamentals
New Course: TailwindCSS Fundamentals
July 22, 2022

I've been diving deeper into the client-side development pool. One technology I'm really passionate about is TailwindCSS. In that vein, I've just completed a new course for Pluralsight called "TailwindCSS Fundamentals".

London NDC Talk about TailwindCSS
London NDC Talk about TailwindCSS
May 10, 2022

New Video: Coding Shorts: TailwindCSS - You Might Be Missing the Point
New Video: Coding Shorts: TailwindCSS - You Might Be Missing the Point
October 25, 2021

TailwindCSS might seem like an odd way to build your CSS at first; but this would be viewing it through an opinionated framework (like Bootstrap). I think you might be missing the whole idea of TailwindCSS.

I Was Wrong - Hosting SPAs in ASP.NET Core
I Was Wrong - Hosting SPAs in ASP.NET Core
February 15, 2021

If you've seen my projects or courses over the last few years, I had been advocating for using NPM for client-side libraries and SPAs at the same time. This caused the need to merge generated packages.json files. This added to the complexity. In addition, to handle the client-side libraries with NPM, you needed a way to both read the node_modules folder during development. This was handled with some middle-ware created by the late, great @OdeToCode (K. Scott Allen).

Learning Web Development with Pluralsight
Learning Web Development with Pluralsight
November 4, 2017

As many of you know, I'm a Pluralsight author and I've been writing courses for the site for a long time now. I have over twenty courses to my name. While my ASP.NET Core courses get a lot of attention, I've been trying to help people get started in general web development through my courses.

My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
November 5, 2014

Last week my seventeenth course for Pluralsight! I love building content for Pluralsight and it allows me to teach technologies that I am utilizing in my own life. This new course is no different.

New Course: Front-end Web Dev Quick Start
New Course: Front-end Web Dev Quick Start
August 31, 2014

It’s that time again. I’ve recently released a new course on Pluralsight. This time I tackle Web Development for complete beginners.

Bootstrap 3 Grid System Explained
Bootstrap 3 Grid System Explained
December 4, 2013

Are you starting to work with Bootstrap 3? If so, maybe I can help. I’ve recently released a Bootstrap 3 course on Pluralsight that covers many of the new features including how to migrate from Bootstrap 2 to 3.

AngleBrackets Fall 2013
AngleBrackets Fall 2013
November 1, 2013

I finished up my post-con for AngleBrackets today and am ready to head home. I had a great time and just spectacular attendees who had great questions! If you have a chance to go to AngleBrackets (or it’s sister conference, DevIntersection) make the trip. They’re coming to Orlando this fall!

Editing Styles with Firebug
Editing Styles with Firebug
September 30, 2013

Most developers I know simply hate web design. As far as many developers are concerned CSS is evil. What CSS does for the web is magical but can be painful for developers that are used to functional or structural languages.

Refactoring Nested CSS Rules using LESS
Refactoring Nested CSS Rules using LESS
September 10, 2013

One of my favorite features of LESS is the ability to simplify my CSS rules that are deeply nested by using LESS to compose them more simply. I like this feature because it gives me the ability to clean up messy CSS files and make them more maintainable. Take a look to see what I am talking about.

DevLink 2013
DevLink 2013
August 31, 2013

Thanks to everyone for attending my sessions at this year's DevLink 2013 conference in Chattanooga, TN. I had a great time at the aquarium and enjoyed meeting so many of the attendees. If you get a chance, you should add this to your conference attendance next year.

Zen Coding (Emmit) with Visual Studio
Zen Coding (Emmit) with Visual Studio
August 28, 2013

Building a Site with Bootstrap, AngularJS, ASP.NET, EF and Azure". I had the opportunity to use Zen Coding (renamed Emmet for some reason) in the course. We've released a snippet of the course on YouTube that shows off this cool productivity enhancement that Web Essentials powers. Caveat: Web Essentials doesn't work with free versions of Visual Studio.

Atlanta Code Camp 2013: Done!
Atlanta Code Camp 2013: Done!
August 25, 2013

I want to thank all the attendees, speakers and my compatriots in planning the Atlanta Code Camp. I had a great time helping make this event the best one we've had so far. Some of the numbers:

My New Web Development Course is Live
My New Web Development Course is Live
August 5, 2013

Are you getting ready to build a new website? Are you interested in shortening your development by using Bootstrap, AngularJS, Azure and ASP.NET? If so, my new course might be just for you.

Building Atlanta Code Camp Website
Building Atlanta Code Camp Website
June 3, 2013

I recently helped the Atlanta Code Camp effort by building them a new website. You can see it here: Atlanta Code Camp.  I am pretty proud of what I was able to accomplish in the scant number of hours I had to build it. It's not done as we need to improve it when we have the speakers chosen and set up the schedule, but so far I am pretty happy with it.

My DotNetConf Talk on Mobile-First Design
My DotNetConf Talk on Mobile-First Design
April 26, 2013

I had a great time at yesterday's online DotNetConf. I think my "Mobile-First Responsive Web Design" talk went pretty well. You can see the talk on YouTube (embedded below). The talk was focused on designing websites to be efficient on mobile platforms by starting with your design on a mobile and scaling up to tablets and desktops.

My Practical PhoneGap Course is now Live!
My Practical PhoneGap Course is now Live!
April 24, 2013

If you're interested in cross-platform mobile apps, I like the solution that PhoneGap has. It uses HTML5/CSS/JS as the UI stack and I find it compelling to build apps for iOS, Android, Kindle, Windows Phone and Windows 8 Store. I've just released a new course on PhoneGap that attempts to fill in some of the holes in building apps.  The course includes:

ReMIX South 2012
ReMIX South 2012
October 19, 2012

I had a great time at ReMIX South this year! It's been great to meet developers and designers and learn how they are using design tools of all sorts.

LESS at DevLink
LESS at DevLink
August 30, 2012

Just finished my talk at DevLink on "A Better CSS: LESS is More…". It was a good crowd and I was surprised that so many people had already heard of LESS which is awesome. Hopefully I covered the breadth of the language. It was a fun crowd and it's been a fun conference. If you haven't had a chance to get to Chattanooga and see the fresh water aquarium, it shouldn't be missed!

Great Time at Gwinnett .NET Users Group
Great Time at Gwinnett .NET Users Group
August 10, 2012

I headed up to the Gwinnett .NET Users Group last night had we talked all about mobile web development using ASP.NET! If you were there, thanks for attending and here are the slides and code as promised!

aspConf was fun!
aspConf was fun!
July 17, 2012

I had a good time doing a couple of talks today. If you joined me online, thanks for coming. For those who missed my talks, they will be posting the videos on Channel 9. As promised you can get the slides and examples here for my talks:

New Pluralsight Course on Debugging Web Sites
New Pluralsight Course on Debugging Web Sites
June 3, 2012

After a long gestation, I finally completed my Web Debugging course for Pluralsight. This new course covers the details of using the tools in the browsers to debug layout, JavaScript, CSS and networking. While the course shows you how to find the tools in all the major browsers, the focus is using Firefox and Firebug. Though the techniques shown in Firebug apply pretty seamlessly to all the browser tools. This course is not .NET specific, but should be useful to any web developers.

Atlanta Code Camp Wrap-up
Atlanta Code Camp Wrap-up
May 20, 2012

CSS for the XAML Guy - Positional Selectors
CSS for the XAML Guy - Positional Selectors
May 3, 2012

I got into a longish, public discussion last night about XAML versus the HTML/CSS stack last night. I think they both have merit and pros and cons but it made me decide to add a short series of posts that highlight some of the CSS things that surprised me most (like my JavaScript for the C# Guy posts - and yes, more of those are coming too).

Modern Web Development - Part 9
Modern Web Development - Part 9
April 29, 2012

This is the ninth of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be:

I've been Deep Fried...Again!
I've been Deep Fried...Again!
April 25, 2012

So I've done it again.  I survived another 30 minutes with Woody and Keith. Whew. We had a good conversation about the current state of Web Development and the future of XAML development.

From my Web Dev for XAML Devs Talk
From my Web Dev for XAML Devs Talk
March 14, 2012

I had the opportunity tonight to do a talk for the Atlanta XAML Meetup on Web Development for XAML Developers. I had fun explaining how XAML developers can use their existing skills with markup, design, data binding and data access on web page development. You can see the slides from the talk here:

LESS is More?  So is SASS!
LESS is More? So is SASS!
March 9, 2012

So my new course is live at PluralSight! If you’re looking to take the 3rd Part of my Modern Web Development article to heart, my new course is just for you!

Modern Web Development - Part 6
Modern Web Development - Part 6
February 20, 2012

This is the sixth of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be:

Modern Web Development - Part 4
Modern Web Development - Part 4
February 8, 2012

This is the fourth of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be:

Modern Web Development - Part 3
Modern Web Development - Part 3
January 31, 2012

This is the third of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be: