My Blog

Vue 3 and Validation with the Class-Validator
Vue 3 and Validation with the Class-Validator
August 16, 2020

I've been working with Vue 3 Beta and RC (currently in RC5) and early on I needed some validation but the Vue stalwards of vuelidate and vee-validate weren't working with the Composition API early on. What was I do to?

The Maintainers: Shaun Walker and DotNetNuke
The Maintainers: Shaun Walker and DotNetNuke
August 9, 2020

The next episode is now available! This time I'm talking to Shaun Walker. He's the developer responsible for the long-lived open source project, DotNetNuke! He's also created a new framework called Oqtane for Blazor.

.NET Core Console Apps  - A Better Way?
.NET Core Console Apps - A Better Way?
August 2, 2020

[UPDATE] After reviewing some of the code and talking with commenters, I agree that using HostServices for console apps is a bad idea. I've refactored this to use the host but not the HostService. I believe that the entire host is still useful for configuration, logging, and DI. See below for the latest changes:

The Maintainers: Brad Wilson and xUnit
The Maintainers: Brad Wilson and xUnit
July 27, 2020

I'm continuing the series out open source developers. This week I talk with Brad Wilson of Microsoft about his history with developing xUnit.

A New Video Series: The Maintainers
A New Video Series: The Maintainers
July 21, 2020

I know you've heard this before, but I'm starting yet another video series Don't worry the Rants are continuing soon, just didn't feel right to complain during COVID-19 too much.

Vue 3 Beta in 10 Minutes
Vue 3 Beta in 10 Minutes
July 14, 2020

I've been digging into Vue 3's beta for a while now. I like the new composition API, but it looks like there weren't that many quickstarts for getting a Vue 3 project going.

gRPC Talk at netPonto
gRPC Talk at netPonto
July 9, 2020

I had great fun today talking with the netPonto User Group on Zoom. It was a fun group who had great questions about gRPC.

.NET Foundation Board Candidate!
.NET Foundation Board Candidate!
July 7, 2020

If you're not familiar with the .NET Foundation, it's a great organization that helps promote and fund the .NET community and open source projects. You can read more about it here if you're not familiar with it:

A Month with Vue 3
A Month with Vue 3
June 28, 2020

In my spare time, I've been working on a micro-services example to try and make a minimum viable micro-service using ASP.NET Core. To make things that much harder, I've also decided to use Vue 3 for the front end. In for a penny, in for a pound.

API Versioning Talk from dotnetsheff
API Versioning Talk from dotnetsheff
June 10, 2020

Another of my talks that were scheduled after offering my speaking skills on Twitter, I got to talk to a great group of developers in Sheffield England. I did a quick talk on using the Microsoft API Versioning system to version your APIs.

On Privilege - A Personal Perspective
On Privilege - A Personal Perspective
June 10, 2020

I've been mulling this topic for a long time now. I had aimed to make this into one of my video rants, but I want to make sure the words I mean are the words I say. This is purely my view of the idea of privilege in my own life.

Vue Down Under
Vue Down Under
June 10, 2020

Yet another of my talks that resulted from being bored at home and on Twitter. I had a great time talking to this great group.

My Vue Talk at Mississauga .NET User Group
My Vue Talk at Mississauga .NET User Group
May 28, 2020

I recently offered my speaking skills on Twitter since I'm stuck at the house. My wife really wants me out of the house, but luckily I like the sound of my own voice enough that virtual talks fill that same void.

Vue 3's Global Mounting
Vue 3's Global Mounting
May 17, 2020

As Vue 3 continues it's relentless Beta drive (with almost daily Beta builds), all of us Vue developers have to get ready for changes. The one I want to mention today is the changes in mounting a new Vue object.

Where Did Filters Go in Vue 3?
Where Did Filters Go in Vue 3?
May 11, 2020

With Vue 3 now in beta, some people are starting to look into it deeper (including me). While a lot of the features are meant to improve the performance and speed, the Vue team did decided to take out a feature lots of people use: filters.

NDC Porto gRPC Talk
NDC Porto gRPC Talk
April 23, 2020

Thanks everyone who attended my talk on gRPC at today's NDC Porto virtual event. You had such great questions. I appreciate all the interaction!

New Episodes of the Hello World Podcast - Finally!
New Episodes of the Hello World Podcast - Finally!
April 17, 2020

It's been a long time since I started and eventually stopped recording episodes for the Hello World Podcast. My goal has always been to have exactly 100 episodes.

My New New Web Series
My New New Web Series
April 12, 2020

With the pandemic, I'm getting bored at the house. And if you know me, you know I need a project. My wife has already heard all of my stories, so I have to start recording myself.

My Pluralsight Courses are Free for April Too!
My Pluralsight Courses are Free for April Too!
April 2, 2020

As we're all in this crisis together, Pluralsight has opened up their entire library for free in April. No Credit Card needed! Just sign up.

Do I Always Need ASP.NET?
Do I Always Need ASP.NET?
March 29, 2020

The last couple of years I've needed a couple of new sites to promote things I'm working. Because I'm a .NET developer, my first instinct is always to just File->New an ASP.NET site. But should I?

My Courses Are Free During the Crisis
My Courses Are Free During the Crisis
March 16, 2020

Not sure if anyone is as anxious about the state of the world as I am, but I'm a little freaked out. I don't have any medical skills and am already isolating myself in place (with my wonderful wife). So I don't feel like there is much I can do to help.

ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 3
ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 3
March 1, 2020

In this last post in the series, i'll show you how to use GitHub Actions to automate when you want to push a new version of your container to your Azure App Service.

ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 2
ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 2
February 2, 2020

Assuming you read my last post, you should be ready to take your ASP.NET Core project and deploy it to Azure App Services. This post, I'll walk you through the process.

ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 1
ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 1
January 27, 2020

I've been using Azure App Services (e.g. WebApps) for a few years now. I've been mostly happy with the result. Though I've had some trouble with the way that the App Service environment works from time to time (mostly with the version of .NET Core that is running).