Url: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/PowerCommands
Url: http://www.silverlightdata.com
Url: http://photozoom.mslivelabs.com/Default.aspx
Url: http://www.silverlight-tour.com
I've been noticing that VS 2008 was crashing a lot for me since installing the Silverlight 2 VS 2008 Tools. It seems that Cider is freaking out but Jon Galloway came to my rescue. If you're experiencing the crashes, go to:
Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/expression/archive/2008/0...
The Silverlight SDK contains a couple of interesting gems that aren't appearent in the docs. I'll let everyone espouse the virtues of the runtime for the time being, I'd like to introduce you to a couple of tools in the SDK:
Url: http://silverlight.net/GetStarted/#betajump
Url: http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/05/adobes-fla...
Url: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1236
Url: http://geekdinners.com/DinnerInstance.aspx?id=4
I've been contacted by a couple of potential customers about how the AIR story compete with Silverlight. This has also come up at several talk i've done recently. I am not an Adobe or Flash guy so I may be the wrong one to broach the subject, but it feels like they are not necessary competing. In a large way it feels like Microsoft is trying to get into the web space and compete for RIA, whereas AIR seems to be attempting to get onto the desktop.
Url: http://searchwindevelopment.techtarget.com/tip/...
Url: http://www.geekdinners.com/DinnerInstance.aspx?...
I had a great time today (except for the drive) at the Alabama Code Camp. I want to thank everyone in Huntsville for a great welcome and thank Doug Turnure for help facilliting it all. (And thank Doug for following me on twitter;) Here are links to the presentations.
Url: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/02/...