Tag: 'dsl'

Hear me on Deep Fried Bytes talk about Oslo!
Hear me on Deep Fried Bytes talk about Oslo!
June 23, 2009

Url: http://deepfriedbytes.com/podcast/episode-33-ge...

May Oslo SDK Available - Now with Quadrant
May Oslo SDK Available - Now with Quadrant
May 26, 2009

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

Part 1 of My MGrammar-DSL Article is up!
Part 1 of My MGrammar-DSL Article is up!
February 4, 2009

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd44170...

New Oslo CTP is Live!
New Oslo CTP is Live!
January 30, 2009

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

What is all the fuss about how you can write DSLs in Lisp?
What is all the fuss about how you can write DSLs in Lisp?
January 5, 2009

Url: http://www.sellsbrothers.com/news/showTopic.asp...

The Forest Through the Trees
The Forest Through the Trees
December 18, 2008

Url: http://msdn.com/oslo

Don't Forget the MSDN Developers Conference in Atlanta
Don't Forget the MSDN Developers Conference in Atlanta
December 14, 2008

Url: http://www.msdndevcon.com/Pages/Atlanta.aspx

Why Domain Specific Languages are Important to Everyday Developers
Why Domain Specific Languages are Important to Everyday Developers
November 8, 2008

Now that Oslo is in a public form, I've taken time (as you probably noticed in earlier blog posts) to look at Oslo. While the Model Driven Development part of the stack is important and potentially game changing, I wanted to stop and look at the Domain Specific Language part of the Oslo stack.

First Impressions of Oslo
First Impressions of Oslo
October 29, 2008

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/oslo

Oslo Developer Center and SDK CTP Now Live
Oslo Developer Center and SDK CTP Now Live
October 27, 2008

Url: http://www.sellsbrothers.com/news/showTopic.asp...