Tag: 'jquery'

New Course: Front-end Web Dev Quick Start
New Course: Front-end Web Dev Quick Start
August 31, 2014

It’s that time again. I’ve recently released a new course on Pluralsight. This time I tackle Web Development for complete beginners.

JavaScript Promises
JavaScript Promises
August 3, 2013

No I am not talking the promise that JavaScript will fix everything if you use it. I don't even believe that ;) I am talking about the concept of a promise object that several JavaScript libraries use (including AngularJS, jQuery, Dojo and WinJS).

Modern Web Development - Part 5
Modern Web Development - Part 5
February 15, 2012

This is the fifth of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be:

The Web Workshop: Client-Side Dev Training
The Web Workshop: Client-Side Dev Training
January 22, 2012

New Cities and New Courses
New Cities and New Courses
January 12, 2012

What I've Been Doing...
What I've Been Doing...
November 30, 2011

What about Metro JS Projects and jQuery?
What about Metro JS Projects and jQuery?
September 16, 2011

I spent this week at Build and was interested in both the XAML and HTML/JS part of the Metro story. I am in the middle of converting GooNews into both HTML and XAML Metro apps to test out the new APIs.

WCF Data Services and jQuery
WCF Data Services and jQuery
February 23, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/dataservicejque...

I am on .NET Rocks Talking about Declarative UI's
I am on .NET Rocks Talking about Declarative UI's
October 13, 2009

Url: http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?ShowNum...

AgiliTrain and Rachel Appel Announce New Classes
AgiliTrain and Rachel Appel Announce New Classes
July 2, 2009