Tag: 'json'

Using ASP.NET Authentication in Web API
Using ASP.NET Authentication in Web API
October 21, 2013

Web API is a pretty sexy REST stack (though others are cool too). As I’ve been talking about it a lot lately, the biggest question by far is authentication and authorization. There are many options including OAuth, Token-based authentication, basic authentication, and even custom solutions. One option that should be included is to use your existing ASP.NET Forms-Based Authentication.

WebAPI for the MVC Guy
WebAPI for the MVC Guy
February 22, 2012

So as some of you know, I’ve spent a lot of the last year working on a web project. I’ve been using ASP.NET MVC3 and it’s going well. I am at the point where we are creating the mobile apps. I service them, I need an API (which will eventually be available as a public API too). I had started creating using MVC and simple routes but I was urged to look at the new Web API stack that is installed with the new ASP.NET MVC4 installer.

The Case of the ModelBinding Failure
The Case of the ModelBinding Failure
December 19, 2011

WCF Data Services and jQuery
WCF Data Services and jQuery
February 23, 2010

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/dataservicejque...