Tag: 'less'

My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
November 5, 2014

Last week my seventeenth course for Pluralsight! I love building content for Pluralsight and it allows me to teach technologies that I am utilizing in my own life. This new course is no different.

Refactoring Nested CSS Rules using LESS
Refactoring Nested CSS Rules using LESS
September 10, 2013

One of my favorite features of LESS is the ability to simplify my CSS rules that are deeply nested by using LESS to compose them more simply. I like this feature because it gives me the ability to clean up messy CSS files and make them more maintainable. Take a look to see what I am talking about.

My New Web Development Course is Live
My New Web Development Course is Live
August 5, 2013

Are you getting ready to build a new website? Are you interested in shortening your development by using Bootstrap, AngularJS, Azure and ASP.NET? If so, my new course might be just for you.

ReMIX South 2012
ReMIX South 2012
October 19, 2012

I had a great time at ReMIX South this year! It's been great to meet developers and designers and learn how they are using design tools of all sorts.

aspConf was fun!
aspConf was fun!
July 17, 2012

I had a good time doing a couple of talks today. If you joined me online, thanks for coming. For those who missed my talks, they will be posting the videos on Channel 9. As promised you can get the slides and examples here for my talks: