Tag: 'linq'

Composing Linq Queries
Composing Linq Queries
July 20, 2024

At one of my clients, I was showing him how to structure a complex Linq query. This came as a surprise to him and I thought it was worth a quick blog entry.

ADO.NET Data Services 1.5 Feature: Projections
ADO.NET Data Services 1.5 Feature: Projections
September 9, 2009

If you've been following my blog, you should know that I am keeping a pretty close watch on ADO.NET Data Services. The team recently released a second CTP of the new version with some interesting features. This CTP has some pretty compelling additions, but I am going ot focus on one in particular.

Using LinqPad and Entity Framework Models
Using LinqPad and Entity Framework Models
January 24, 2009

Url: http://www.simonsegal.net/blog/2009/01/20/linqp...

Caution when Eager Loading in the Entity Framework
Caution when Eager Loading in the Entity Framework
December 28, 2008

Url: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/EFExtensions

Update on NHibernate 2.0 and LINQ
Update on NHibernate 2.0 and LINQ
September 10, 2008

Url: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/09/11/NHibe...

Book Review: LINQ in Action
Book Review: LINQ in Action
August 8, 2008

Url: http://www.amazon.com/LINQ-Action-Fabrice-Margu...

Implementing IUpdatable (Part 3)
Implementing IUpdatable (Part 3)
August 3, 2008

UPDATE: I know the title is wrong and it should be IUpdateable but I didn't want to break any links for any RSS feeds that already had it.

Speaking at the Atlanta .NET Users Group
Speaking at the Atlanta .NET Users Group
July 22, 2008

Url: http://www.atlantadotnet.org

NHibernate.LINQ with ADO.NET Data Services
NHibernate.LINQ with ADO.NET Data Services
July 21, 2008

Wildermuth.com By Example - Part 1
Wildermuth.com By Example - Part 1
July 7, 2008

In response to some requests that I have received, I decided to write a several part blog on some of the techniques I used in developing Wildermuth.com. In this first example, I am going to discuss the use of LINQ and data in my site. 

Jim Wooley's ThinqLinq is now Open!
Jim Wooley's ThinqLinq is now Open!
January 11, 2008

Url: http://www.thinqlinq.com

Reversing My Opinion of LINQ
Reversing My Opinion of LINQ
September 24, 2007

Most of my exposure to LINQ has been in very short snippets and sessions at various conferences and blogs. My initial reaction was fairly negative. This negative reaction was based on several key factors: