Tag: 'vuex'

Vue 3: To Vuex or Not to Vuex
Vue 3: To Vuex or Not to Vuex
August 30, 2020

I've been digging into Vue 3 a lot lately. One topic that a lot of people seem to be discussing whether to use Vuex or not in Vue's Composition API (that is prominent in Vue 3).

My Vuex Talk from Connect.Tech
My Vuex Talk from Connect.Tech
October 17, 2019

I was delighted to spend some time today at Connect.Tech conference. Great web conference and it was packed. So many excited people who wanted to talk about web technologies!

Changing Nested State in Vuex
Changing Nested State in Vuex
July 7, 2019

I've been updating the Atlanta Code Camp website to improve our administration workflow. With the Call for Speakers coming up soon, I wanted to make sure we had a good way of picking only the best talks.

Vuex and Asynchronicity
Vuex and Asynchronicity
April 22, 2019

If you're using Vuex for state management in your Vue.js applications, there is a good chance that you need to use async operations (e.g. API calls). I have been doing this a while, but falling back to using Promises in most cases.

Creating a Vuex Plugin
Creating a Vuex Plugin
March 27, 2019

If you're building larger scale Vue objects and you're not using Vuex to centralize your state, please stop and go learn Vuex. Really. For those of you still here, sometimes it's helpful to be able to monitor state changes to perform other tasks. For example, to send messages or communicate with servers that aren't about state (e.g. SignalR is a good example). That's where Vuex plugins come in. A Vuex plugin is a simple function that is called once during the setup of a Vuex store. Typically you'd just create the function/arrow function taking an instance of the store: