Tag: 'blend'

Blend for Developers Course Now Available!
Blend for Developers Course Now Available!
November 8, 2011

If you're a XAML developer and have proudly stated that you hand-code all your markup, it’s time to learn how to be more productive. I’ve authored a new course for PluralSight. If you have a subscription, you can view it my new “Blend for Developers” course now:

My Article on SketchFlow is Up
My Article on SketchFlow is Up
April 16, 2010

Url: http://www.devproconnections.com/article/silver...

Why Declarative UIs Are Important
Why Declarative UIs Are Important
September 2, 2009

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/declarativeui.zip

My SketchFlow .NET Rocks TV Episode is up (DNR-TV)
My SketchFlow .NET Rocks TV Episode is up (DNR-TV)
August 31, 2009

Url: http://dnrtv.com/default.aspx?ShowID=148

A Plethora of Silverlight Behaviors/Triggers
A Plethora of Silverlight Behaviors/Triggers
August 25, 2009

Url: http://expressionblend.codeplex.com/

Back from DevLink 2009!
Back from DevLink 2009!
August 16, 2009

See Carl and I Talk about Behaviors on DNR-TV!
See Carl and I Talk about Behaviors on DNR-TV!
July 24, 2009

Url: http://dnrtv.com/default.aspx?ShowID=144

Where is the Blend SDK?
Where is the Blend SDK?
July 13, 2009

Blend and Visual Studio - Why Two Tools?
Blend and Visual Studio - Why Two Tools?
June 10, 2009

Writing Behaviors for Silverlight 3 - Part 1
Writing Behaviors for Silverlight 3 - Part 1
May 16, 2009

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/BehaviorDemo.zip

Writing Behaviors for Silverlight 3 - Part 2
Writing Behaviors for Silverlight 3 - Part 2
May 16, 2009

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/BehaviorDemo.zip

Blend 3 Improvements
Blend 3 Improvements
March 18, 2009

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/events/mix/i...

Speaking at DevTeach in June
Speaking at DevTeach in June
February 25, 2009

Url: http://www.devteach.com/

Mike Swanson's XAML Plugin for Illustrator Updated
Mike Swanson's XAML Plugin for Illustrator Updated
February 5, 2009

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/mswanson/archive/2009/01/...

Blend Container Editing
Blend Container Editing
August 20, 2008

UPDATE: The client doesn't mind that I mention them so I'll tell you that its the great people at SchoolMaster.  Siebrand Dijkstra and his crew are doing some interesting things with Silverlight.

Microsoft Won't Fix Simple Silverlight-Expression Bug? (UPDATED)
Microsoft Won't Fix Simple Silverlight-Expression Bug? (UPDATED)
November 28, 2007

Url: http://connect.microsoft.com/Expression/feedbac...

Updated Expression Blend v2.0 August Preview
Updated Expression Blend v2.0 August Preview
August 15, 2007

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx...

New Silverlight Video - Designing with Blend
New Silverlight Video - Designing with Blend
June 30, 2007

Url: http://silverlight.net/learn/learnvideo.aspx?vi...

WPF/E Item Template for Expression Blend
WPF/E Item Template for Expression Blend
April 8, 2007

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/WPFEBlendTempla...

Expression Blend and Web Now in MSDN Subscription
Expression Blend and Web Now in MSDN Subscription
April 3, 2007

Url: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/04/...

Codename "WPF/E" and Expression Toolset
Codename "WPF/E" and Expression Toolset
December 5, 2006

Url: http://microsoft.com/expression

Expression and MSDN Subscriptions
Expression and MSDN Subscriptions
December 5, 2006

Url: http://www.microsoft.com/products/expression/en...