Tag: 'programming'

C# 11 Strings in the Raw
C# 11 Strings in the Raw
November 26, 2022

With the release of C# 11, there is a new string in town. It might be getting crazy, but this new "Raw String Literals" is something interesting.

Coding Short: Using Spread and Destructuring in JavaScript
Coding Short: Using Spread and Destructuring in JavaScript
June 23, 2021

I've been working on websites for a long time now. That means that I've been writing client-side JavaScript since the early days. As the ECMAScript standards have come out, I've found it difficult to keep up with every new feature that might help me write better JavaScript.

New Episodes of the Hello World Podcast - Finally!
New Episodes of the Hello World Podcast - Finally!
April 17, 2020

It's been a long time since I started and eventually stopped recording episodes for the Hello World Podcast. My goal has always been to have exactly 100 episodes.

My New New Web Series
My New New Web Series
April 12, 2020

With the pandemic, I'm getting bored at the house. And if you know me, you know I need a project. My wife has already heard all of my stories, so I have to start recording myself.

Hello World: The Film - Kickstarter
Hello World: The Film - Kickstarter
November 15, 2017

If any of my readers are familiar with my podcast, you'll know I love talking to developers. I want to understand why we do we what we do and how that started in their lives.

Visual Studio Field Refactoring Trick
Visual Studio Field Refactoring Trick
November 15, 2017

I've been using a new trick on my courses as of late that I've been getting some questions about. I figured I'd just blog about it to share the trick.

When The VPN Doesn't Work to my TFS-Using Client
When The VPN Doesn't Work to my TFS-Using Client
November 16, 2012

Very short post today, but wanted to share something that happens more than I'd like to admit. I work for some clients who use TFS and when I can't in through their VPN I need to zip up my files for them to check-in manually. It's not fun (I miss being able to create a change set in Mercurial or Git). When this happens I need to have a quick way of copying all the files in a project that aren't marked as read-only. Robocopy to the rescue:

Implementing IUpdatable (Part 2)
Implementing IUpdatable (Part 2)
July 3, 2008

If you haven't read Part 1 yet, you can read it here.

A Language Every Year?
A Language Every Year?
July 2, 2008

Url: http://blogs.tedneward.com/2008/07/03/Polyglot+...

Links and New Site Technology
Links and New Site Technology
July 2, 2008

Now that the change to Wildermuth.com is complete I've gotten questions about broken links and such. I am keeping adoguy.com around and redirecting (permanent) the links so that old links aren't going to break. I don't plan on keeping it forever but for several years you can be sure. Its worth keeping them around. 

Implementing IUpdatable (Part 1)
Implementing IUpdatable (Part 1)
July 1, 2008

I have been diving pretty deep into ADO.NET Data Services (see an upcoming article about ADO.NET Data Services and Silverlight 2 coming soon). I've been looking at the story around non-Entity Framework models through a Data Service and thought that NHibernate through a Data Service would be a great example.

Software Development Meme
Software Development Meme
June 30, 2008

Url: http://community.irritatedvowel.com/blogs/pete_...

Doesn't Anyone Bookmark Anymore?
Doesn't Anyone Bookmark Anymore?
June 25, 2008

When I teach Silverlight 2, I stress an important lesson that I thought that we (as developers) had learned the importance of linkability of the web. Early usage of Flash was the first time I noticed this. A number of those sites would create nested functionality that never changed the URL.  If the URL doesn't change, i can't bookmark it. Most Flash guys learned their lessons pretty quick, but now I am inundated with AJAX driven sites that try hard to not to do post-backs.  That's cool, but if the URL doesn't change I can't link to it.

Sara Ford's Blog
Sara Ford's Blog
June 23, 2008

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/saraford/archive/2008/06/...

The Hard Part of Software Development
The Hard Part of Software Development
April 23, 2008

I've spent a lot of time the last few weeks looking at some of the new buzz words in software development. Domain specific languages, dynamic languages, TDD, DDD, *DD, etc.. Most of these ideas have definite benefits to the work of software development but I think they miss the mark on what is really hard in software.

Jeff, Steve and Fido
Jeff, Steve and Fido
September 27, 2007

Url: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/00096...

Programmer Personality Type
Programmer Personality Type
June 6, 2007

Url: http://www.doolwind.com/index.php?page=11

Mark Russinovich Watches an E-Mail Bot Happen
Mark Russinovich Watches an E-Mail Bot Happen
April 9, 2007

Url: http://blogs.technet.com/markrussinovich/archiv...

A Lesson for Software Development
A Lesson for Software Development
March 10, 2007

I use a Dish Network satellite dish for my TV.  They pushed an update last week to all their subscribers.  This new feature is a great idea: if an HD channel is available for a channgel (e.g. ESPN, Local Channels), tune the HD channel instead of the non-HD version.  Normally that would be perfect...except...not all HD versions of channels have the same programming.

ADO.NET 2.0 and Asynchronous Execution
ADO.NET 2.0 and Asynchronous Execution
November 11, 2006

Url: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?u...

Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money (via Digg)
Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money (via Digg)
November 3, 2006

Url: http://www.softwarebyrob.com/articles/Nine_Thin...

Writing Windows Live Messenger Add-ins with .NET
Writing Windows Live Messenger Add-ins with .NET
September 29, 2006

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1895,202254...

GridView, HyperLinkFIeld and FILE:// URLs
GridView, HyperLinkFIeld and FILE:// URLs
February 4, 2006

Url: http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/productfeedback/v...

Typed DataSets and App.Config...A Cautionary Tale
Typed DataSets and App.Config...A Cautionary Tale
January 10, 2006

In this assembly, the designer created an app.config and a Settings.setting object.  All sounded good.  So in my ASP.NET 2.0 project, I setup the connection string in the web.config and called it "MyConnection".  This all worked until I deployed it to a server, when all hell broke loose.  After deployment, my code that did *not* use Typed DataSets (mostly DataSources) worked fine with my new "MyConnection" connection string...but...

Ian Griffiths on AppDomain Isolation vs. Process Isolation
Ian Griffiths on AppDomain Isolation vs. Process Isolation
October 16, 2005

Url: http://discuss.develop.com/archives/wa.exe?A2=i...

Unacceptable Response on a LadyBug
Unacceptable Response on a LadyBug
October 6, 2005

Url: http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/productfeedback/v...

Why no PDC Info Blogging?
Why no PDC Info Blogging?
September 15, 2005

As many of you might not know, I am not at the PDC, but am interestingly watching to see what comes out from it.  Usually at the event times, everyone blogs too much about what they like and don't like.  Everyone wants to be the first out the door with some news from a keynote.  So I am layng low and letting all that happen without me.  On the plus side, I can now talk about some things that I've had the opportunity to play with for some time (now that they are public knowledge and I am not hurting any NDA's):

Problems Creating Custom DataSource Enabled Controls in ASP.NET 2.0
Problems Creating Custom DataSource Enabled Controls in ASP.NET 2.0
August 27, 2005

Url: http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/productfeedback/v...

Now this is a system...
Now this is a system...
August 24, 2005

Url: http://www.thedailywtf.com/forums/41672/ShowPos...

My First XAML App...
My First XAML App...
August 20, 2005

It's not finished yet, but I am working on a Font Browser using Avalon.  It's fun to work with XAML and code-behind, but without splitter or treeview controls its hard to make something really fun.  I am also working on a database browser with Avalon, but until I find a tree view that project is dead.

SQL Server Monitor - Download Now!
SQL Server Monitor - Download Now!
August 20, 2005

Url: http://wilderminds.blob.core.windows.net/downloads/LocalSqlServerM...

Digging Deep into Avalon (MPF) Again...
Digging Deep into Avalon (MPF) Again...
August 19, 2005

Of Enum, FlagsAttribute and Enum.Parse
Of Enum, FlagsAttribute and Enum.Parse
August 5, 2005

I found it very interesting in a little test that the Flags attribute doesn't seem to change the way that the CLR numbers Enumerations.  So that this enumeration:

VS 2005 Class Diagrams...
VS 2005 Class Diagrams...
August 4, 2005

SourceControl Dispatcher!
SourceControl Dispatcher!
June 19, 2005

Url: http://www.pushok.com/soft_sccdispatcher.php

BizTalk 2006 November 7th?
BizTalk 2006 November 7th?
June 8, 2005

Ted Neward on Taking Responsibility
Ted Neward on Taking Responsibility
May 24, 2005

Url: http://www.neward.net/ted/weblog/index.jsp?date...

DataSets vs. Custom Entities Again...
DataSets vs. Custom Entities Again...
May 21, 2005

Url: http://www.devcow.com/weblogs/To+Use+DataSets+O...

New Article:  "SQL Server CLR Integration: Part 1"
New Article: "SQL Server CLR Integration: Part 1"
May 2, 2005

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1759,179167...

If You Attended my SQL Server 2005 CLR Talk Recently...
If You Attended my SQL Server 2005 CLR Talk Recently...
April 27, 2005

Forget everything I told you.  It's all changed in the April CTP.  I hope to re-give this talk soon in the Atlanta area with the new bits.

Task Manager Extension
Task Manager Extension
April 26, 2005

Url: http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/W-P/system/taskmana...

'Bout Time...Finally got my MCSD.NET
'Bout Time...Finally got my MCSD.NET
April 12, 2005

Url: http://microsoft.com/mcp

Jim Gray Discusses 2 vs 3 Tier Model, et al.
Jim Gray Discusses 2 vs 3 Tier Model, et al.
March 28, 2005

Url: http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=5...

101 Uses for Nested Classes
101 Uses for Nested Classes
March 25, 2005

Url: http://www.windojitsu.com/blog/nestedclasses101...

An Interview with Miguel de Icaza on ONDotnet.com
An Interview with Miguel de Icaza on ONDotnet.com
March 24, 2005

Url: http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2005/03/21...

More Perplexed by .NET 2.0
More Perplexed by .NET 2.0
March 22, 2005

Scott's Right...I hope they are kidding...
Scott's Right...I hope they are kidding...
March 10, 2005

Url: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/PermaLink,guid,b3...

Excellent Post from Tim Ewald about the Future of Web Services
Excellent Post from Tim Ewald about the Future of Web Services
March 4, 2005

Url: http://pluralsight.com/blogs/tewald/archive/200...

Is AOP the TLA of this decade?
Is AOP the TLA of this decade?
March 2, 2005

Url: http://www.internetviz-newsletters.com/intertec...

Community Server 1.0 Released!
Community Server 1.0 Released!
February 19, 2005

Url: http://www.communityserver.org/

Is Data Access Really This Hard?
Is Data Access Really This Hard?
February 15, 2005

I've been spending some time lately reviewing how companies are doing data access in .NET.  When I look at how most of them have crufted up solutions, I am amazed.  The model that Microsoft supports seems so obvious to me, but I am neck deep in it.  I'd like to hear from my readers their specific experience with creating data access in .NET; with an eye to why or why not use COM+ for transactions; Typed DataSet or DataReaders; Business Objects or Messages.  I am trying to understand where the community is.

Enjoying Compact Framework Development
Enjoying Compact Framework Development
January 26, 2005

Url: http://www.atlantamobility.net/

SharePoint and "Debugging is not supported under this trust level"
SharePoint and "Debugging is not supported under this trust level"
January 15, 2005

Url: http://realise-systems.net/blog/jsaull/archive/...

My Compact Framework Database Article is Up
My Compact Framework Database Article is Up
January 10, 2005

Url: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1759,174964...

Rico's Walkthrough of Finding Memory Leaks in the CLR (or your code)
Rico's Walkthrough of Finding Memory Leaks in the CLR (or your code)
December 14, 2004

Url: http://blogs.msdn.com/ricom/archive/2004/12/10/...

COM Objects and IDisposable?
COM Objects and IDisposable?
December 13, 2004

I haven't dealt with a ton of COM interop up to this point in my .NET life.  I was surprised to find out that there is not a good story for deterministic deconstruction of COM objects...or maybe there is and I didn't see it.

"I Don't Do Patterns" et al.
"I Don't Do Patterns" et al.
December 10, 2004

Url: http://weblogs.cerkit.com/mearls/archive/2004/1...

10 Reasons to be Thankful about .NET
10 Reasons to be Thankful about .NET
December 1, 2004

Url: http://www.theserverside.net/cartoons/Top10_NET...

Extending Reporting Services
Extending Reporting Services
November 30, 2004

Virtual   New is Evil?  I am convinced...
Virtual New is Evil? I am convinced...
November 23, 2004

Url: http://www.dotnetconsult.co.uk/weblog/permalink...

UML/Database Modeler that I actually like!
UML/Database Modeler that I actually like!
August 20, 2004

Url: http://www.sparxsystems.com

Decoupling Interfaces and Number of Assemblies
Decoupling Interfaces and Number of Assemblies
August 2, 2004

I have been having a conversation about coupling of objects at the interface level.  While I am not a fan of coupling objects together, I would like to be able to shortcut some factory code to make the interface be more intuitive.  For example, here is code that decouples the interface:

Finding Tim Ewald's Blog
Finding Tim Ewald's Blog
July 30, 2004

Url: http://www.pluralsite.com/blogs/tewald/default....

My First Day as a Magenic Consultant
My First Day as a Magenic Consultant
July 28, 2004

Url: http://www.magenic.com

TechEd Europe!
TechEd Europe!
June 28, 2004

How I wish I were there.  Evidently the Yukon Public Beta and the VS.NET 2005 Beta will be available.  Get them while they're hot!

The Taligent Effect (via Don Box)
The Taligent Effect (via Don Box)
June 19, 2004

Url: http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/dbox/default.aspx...