Tag: 'web development'

New Video: Coding Shorts - Static Site Generation with Eleventy
New Video: Coding Shorts - Static Site Generation with Eleventy
October 2, 2022

For some of my personal sites that aren't the dynamic, I've moved them from ASP.NET to static site generation. I find it the right solution for a myriad of smaller websites.

TailwindCSS Tip: Arbitrary Values in Utility Classes
TailwindCSS Tip: Arbitrary Values in Utility Classes
September 6, 2022

I'm currently redesigning this blog (coming soon) and I've been using TailwindCSS to handle most of the heavy lifting. Being able to use the utility classes to quickly design the new version of the site, has been a ton of fun.

Twenty Plus Years of Blogging
Twenty Plus Years of Blogging
July 28, 2022

I've been logging a long time. My wife and I were talking about it. We realized that it's been over twenty years since my first nascient online attempts.

New Course: TailwindCSS Fundamentals
New Course: TailwindCSS Fundamentals
July 22, 2022

I've been diving deeper into the client-side development pool. One technology I'm really passionate about is TailwindCSS. In that vein, I've just completed a new course for Pluralsight called "TailwindCSS Fundamentals".

London NDC Talk about TailwindCSS
London NDC Talk about TailwindCSS
May 10, 2022

Simple Web Interactivity with Alpine.js
Simple Web Interactivity with Alpine.js
April 27, 2022

After working with lots of these little JavaScript libraries, sometimes I pine for something simple to create interactivity on websites. In this Coding Short, I investigate Alpine.js to see how it works and where it might be useful:

New Video: Pinia for Vue 3: A Better Vuex?
New Video: Pinia for Vue 3: A Better Vuex?
March 13, 2022

I'm happy to see that instead, they've adopted Pinia as an alternative. I am not in love with Pinia (as I use reactive objects more often) but for complex scenarios it reminds me of something closer to the Composition API.

New Video: Coding Making Sense of reactive() and ref() in Vue.js
New Video: Coding Making Sense of reactive() and ref() in Vue.js
January 30, 2022

I went on the WebRush podcast (with John Papa and Dan Whalin (et al.)) and had a discussion about reactive() and ref() in the Composition API that resulted in this video.

New Rant: On Revaluating Tech We Hate
New Rant: On Revaluating Tech We Hate
January 5, 2022

I'm back at my rants. In this sixth episode, I admit that I've been a bit hypocritical about my own dislike of some well known technologies.

Year in Review - 2021
Year in Review - 2021
December 31, 2021

Well, 2021 is finally over. I thought 2020 couldn't be topped, but 2021 wasn't much better for most.

New Coding Shorts: Angular Template Forms and Vite Builds
New Coding Shorts: Angular Template Forms and Vite Builds
December 21, 2021

I have two new Coding Shorts videos. Theh first is about Angular Template Forms and the latest is about using Vite for production builds.

New Video: Coding Shorts: TailwindCSS - You Might Be Missing the Point
New Video: Coding Shorts: TailwindCSS - You Might Be Missing the Point
October 25, 2021

TailwindCSS might seem like an odd way to build your CSS at first; but this would be viewing it through an opinionated framework (like Bootstrap). I think you might be missing the whole idea of TailwindCSS.

Dipping My Toe into Static Website Generators
Dipping My Toe into Static Website Generators
August 3, 2021

Running a build for your Vue is a common task for many Vue developers. The team behind Vue has been working on a development server to simplify this. This project is called Vite.

New Video: Structural Typing in TypeScript
New Video: Structural Typing in TypeScript
April 18, 2021

I've got a new video that I released a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to share this out. It's about how structural typing works in TypeScript. Typing in TypeScript is a different animal than C# (or most typed languages) so I want to introduce it in one of my "Coding Shorts". I hope you like it:

Dynamically Creating Components in Angular
Dynamically Creating Components in Angular
March 9, 2021

I was talking with one of my clients and they wondered how they could build individual components in Angular dynamically (or based on data/metadata). I knew this was possible but I hadn't done this myself so I thought I'd try to dig into it.

Tell Me I'm Wrong, Please (Angular and Async)
Tell Me I'm Wrong, Please (Angular and Async)
February 1, 2021

I'll try and keep this quick. I'm updating one of my Pluralsight courses and I am curious if what I'm thinking makes any sense.

Using Azure Slots and GitHub for Personal Projects
Using Azure Slots and GitHub for Personal Projects
December 13, 2020

I have a handful of web projects that I maintain. Some of these are sites like the one for my films (Hello World Film and Don't Worry, I'm Fine) but some others are community projects like Atlanta Code Camp. I've battled with the best way to develop and deploy these projects for quite a while.

Revisiting Multiple Vue Projects
Revisiting Multiple Vue Projects
November 15, 2020

I've talked about how the term SPA annoys me. I think that client-side frameworks are great for expanding websites, not replacing them. With that in mind, I like the idea of a handful of client-side apps enhancing websites, but not every framework makes that easy.

Handling Token Authentication in Vue 3
Handling Token Authentication in Vue 3
October 12, 2020

So many of the Vue demos I've seen fail to look at the authentication use case. For some of my course demos I've had to dig into it.

Playing with Vuelidate Alpha with Vue 3
Playing with Vuelidate Alpha with Vue 3
September 27, 2020

Vuelidate is reworking their project in light of Vue 3's release. It is only in Alpha, but I like the approach and integrated it into my Microservice demo I'm working on.

Hosting Vue in ASP.NET Core: A Different Take
Hosting Vue in ASP.NET Core: A Different Take
September 13, 2020

In the several years that I've been developing and teaching Vue, I've tried a lot of different ways to make ASP.NET Core and Vue play nice with each other. One of the strategies that I've seen employed (especially with Angular and React) is the Spa Framework Extensions out of Microsoft. Because Vue didn't work out of the box (or have a template) I dismissed this approach for a long time. Now that the platform has matured and there is an open source extension for Vue,

Vue 3: To Vuex or Not to Vuex
Vue 3: To Vuex or Not to Vuex
August 30, 2020

I've been digging into Vue 3 a lot lately. One topic that a lot of people seem to be discussing whether to use Vuex or not in Vue's Composition API (that is prominent in Vue 3).

Vue 3 Beta in 10 Minutes
Vue 3 Beta in 10 Minutes
July 14, 2020

I've been digging into Vue 3's beta for a while now. I like the new composition API, but it looks like there weren't that many quickstarts for getting a Vue 3 project going.

A Month with Vue 3
A Month with Vue 3
June 28, 2020

In my spare time, I've been working on a micro-services example to try and make a minimum viable micro-service using ASP.NET Core. To make things that much harder, I've also decided to use Vue 3 for the front end. In for a penny, in for a pound.

Vue Down Under
Vue Down Under
June 10, 2020

Yet another of my talks that resulted from being bored at home and on Twitter. I had a great time talking to this great group.

My Vue Talk at Mississauga .NET User Group
My Vue Talk at Mississauga .NET User Group
May 28, 2020

I recently offered my speaking skills on Twitter since I'm stuck at the house. My wife really wants me out of the house, but luckily I like the sound of my own voice enough that virtual talks fill that same void.

Vue 3's Global Mounting
Vue 3's Global Mounting
May 17, 2020

As Vue 3 continues it's relentless Beta drive (with almost daily Beta builds), all of us Vue developers have to get ready for changes. The one I want to mention today is the changes in mounting a new Vue object.

Where Did Filters Go in Vue 3?
Where Did Filters Go in Vue 3?
May 11, 2020

With Vue 3 now in beta, some people are starting to look into it deeper (including me). While a lot of the features are meant to improve the performance and speed, the Vue team did decided to take out a feature lots of people use: filters.

My Pluralsight Courses are Free for April Too!
My Pluralsight Courses are Free for April Too!
April 2, 2020

As we're all in this crisis together, Pluralsight has opened up their entire library for free in April. No Credit Card needed! Just sign up.

Do I Always Need ASP.NET?
Do I Always Need ASP.NET?
March 29, 2020

The last couple of years I've needed a couple of new sites to promote things I'm working. Because I'm a .NET developer, my first instinct is always to just File->New an ASP.NET site. But should I?

ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 2
ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 2
February 2, 2020

Assuming you read my last post, you should be ready to take your ASP.NET Core project and deploy it to Azure App Services. This post, I'll walk you through the process.

ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 1
ASP.NET Core in Azure App Services' Docker Images - Part 1
January 27, 2020

I've been using Azure App Services (e.g. WebApps) for a few years now. I've been mostly happy with the result. Though I've had some trouble with the way that the App Service environment works from time to time (mostly with the version of .NET Core that is running).

Year in Review - 2019
Year in Review - 2019
December 27, 2019

The new year is coming soon and that means it's time for my yearly look back at my life and industry. This was an odd year for me since I didn't do many conferences and stayed home to solve some issues and work on the film.

Using FluentValidation in ASP.NET Core
Using FluentValidation in ASP.NET Core
November 18, 2019

I'm working on an example to explore some more complex modeling in EF (for SQL and NoSQL) but that's not ready so I thought I'd use it as a bed for some Validation testing I'm doing. The result is some exploration of the FluentValidation project that I haven't had time to dig into until now.

Upgrading from Gulp 3 to 4
Upgrading from Gulp 3 to 4
October 28, 2019

I may be very late to the party, but once Gulp 3.x stopped working with recent versions of Node, I've been forced to update my projects to the newest version of Gulp.

My Vuex Talk from Connect.Tech
My Vuex Talk from Connect.Tech
October 17, 2019

I was delighted to spend some time today at Connect.Tech conference. Great web conference and it was packed. So many excited people who wanted to talk about web technologies!

Endpoint Routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Endpoint Routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0
September 9, 2019

Endpoint Routing was introduced in ASP.NET Core 2.2 but has been made a first class citizen of ASP.NET Core in 3.0. While you're old projects will continue to work without it, upgrading to Endpoint Routing will improve your applications.

My First Look at ASP.NET Core 3.0
My First Look at ASP.NET Core 3.0
August 19, 2019

I'm finally getting around to looking at updating my examples and courses to 3.0. This post is based on .NET Core Preview 8 so this might change in the future.

The State of Writing Services for the Web
The State of Writing Services for the Web
July 15, 2019

I started writing services in websites back in the .NET 1.0 days. Originally I was doing just POX (Plain Old XML) services in a very crude way so we could get the job done for our internal systems back in the early 2000's.

Changing Nested State in Vuex
Changing Nested State in Vuex
July 7, 2019

I've been updating the Atlanta Code Camp website to improve our administration workflow. With the Call for Speakers coming up soon, I wanted to make sure we had a good way of picking only the best talks.

Did Vue.js Just Blink?
Did Vue.js Just Blink?
June 24, 2019

There is a lot of buzz around the internet about Vue.js 3.0's announcement about a new composition model. There are a lot of questions about it and I think much of it is 'they moved my cheese' more than 'they're breaking everything'.

What's New in ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6
What's New in ASP.NET Core 3 Preview 6
June 16, 2019

ASP.NET Core 3 seems to be taking a similar tact to version 1 as it is adding a lot of functionality and phasing it in with different previews. While a lot of the articles seem to be focusing on the non-ASP.NET features (e.g. WPF, WinForms, etc.), I thought it would be nice to let those of you who are ASP.NET devs know what is in Preview 6 just for you.

What Does the GitHub Registry Mean to Developers?
What Does the GitHub Registry Mean to Developers?
May 12, 2019

As you might have heard, GitHub has created it's own package registry. On the face of it, it might just feel like an opportunity to get more 'buy-in' into using GitHub, but I think something else is going on.

Using an InputMask with Vue (e.g. The Vue Ecosystem)
Using an InputMask with Vue (e.g. The Vue Ecosystem)
May 5, 2019

One of the first times I started working with Vue, I was concerned about it's long-term success. I was coming from Angular and their ecosystem is huge.

Vue's Single File Components vs. React's JSX
Vue's Single File Components vs. React's JSX
April 15, 2019

I have to admit, my first experiences with React several years ago were meet with a lot of cynicism. The idea of mixing JavaScript and Markup made me clutch my pearls to the core.

Creating a Vuex Plugin
Creating a Vuex Plugin
March 27, 2019

If you're building larger scale Vue objects and you're not using Vuex to centralize your state, please stop and go learn Vuex. Really. For those of you still here, sometimes it's helpful to be able to monitor state changes to perform other tasks. For example, to send messages or communicate with servers that aren't about state (e.g. SignalR is a good example). That's where Vuex plugins come in. A Vuex plugin is a simple function that is called once during the setup of a Vuex store. Typically you'd just create the function/arrow function taking an instance of the store:

Vue.js Talk at Atlanta Vue Meetup
Vue.js Talk at Atlanta Vue Meetup
March 4, 2019

I had the opportunity to speak at the Atlanta Vue Meetup recently. This was a great group of people who had mostly had experience with Vue.js.

Vue.js Presentation at the Atlanta .NET Users Group
Vue.js Presentation at the Atlanta .NET Users Group
January 29, 2019

I had a great time presenting to the Atlanta .NET Users' Group last night. I talked about where I think Vue.js.

Should You Be Using the Vue CLI?
Should You Be Using the Vue CLI?
December 1, 2018

The Vue team has been working hard. Much like Angular, the Vue team has a command-line interface (CLI) to help develop projects with Vue.

Talking Vue with .NET Zuid
Talking Vue with .NET Zuid
October 4, 2018

If you're not in the south part of the Netherlands, you might have missed my most recent appearance last night. Great hosts, guests and sponsors make the night and easy and fun talk.

.NET Developer Days Poland Wrap-up
.NET Developer Days Poland Wrap-up
September 19, 2018

Had a great week here in Warsaw! Got to see some great sights and great developers!

Intellisense in ASP.NET Core Projects That Use NPM?
Intellisense in ASP.NET Core Projects That Use NPM?
September 8, 2018

I've been advocating using NPM for a client-side package manager in the last few months since Bower support has been depreciated. And while this works pretty well (using Scott Allen's UseNodeModules middlware) to allow you to just point at the NPM folder.

Avoid Lazy Loading in ASP.NET
Avoid Lazy Loading in ASP.NET
July 28, 2018

I know I am not going to make everyone happy with this post. I've been hoping to not have to make this post, but Entity Framework Core has finally added support for Lazy Loading, so it's time.

The Reports of the Death of JavaScript are Greatly Exaggerated
The Reports of the Death of JavaScript are Greatly Exaggerated
June 16, 2018

Not John BoltonThe notorious quip by Mark Twain came to mind today as I was reviewing comments to my recent blog post about Blazor, a lot of the comments talked about WebAssembly being the death of JavaScript.

Who is Blazor for Exactly?
Who is Blazor for Exactly?
June 13, 2018

In case you haven't been following the news about WebAssembly (e.g. WASM), it's a new way to build something akin to bytecode for the browser. The latest versions of most browsers now support it including Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

Are your Node-Based Tools Failing in Visual Studio?
Are your Node-Based Tools Failing in Visual Studio?
May 8, 2018

Since I do a lot of web development and teach web dev on the Microsoft platform, I spend a lot of time in tools that are node-based. If you don't know already, gulp, grunt, webpack, etc. all use node to run themselves.

Remote Views in Vue.js
Remote Views in Vue.js
March 11, 2018

I've been digging into Vue.js a lot lately. I'm working on a new course on it that will be released on May 1st.

Learning Web Development with Pluralsight
Learning Web Development with Pluralsight
November 4, 2017

As many of you know, I'm a Pluralsight author and I've been writing courses for the site for a long time now. I have over twenty courses to my name. While my ASP.NET Core courses get a lot of attention, I've been trying to help people get started in general web development through my courses.

Vue   TypeScript Without a Module Bundler
Vue TypeScript Without a Module Bundler
June 6, 2017

I’ve been feeling kind of old school lately. I’ve been pining for just writing client-side code and watching it work. That’s not the world that we’re in these days.

Why I Moved to Vue.js from Angular 2
Why I Moved to Vue.js from Angular 2
February 12, 2017

I know I’m going to upset some people, but hang in and read the whole article…really. In updating my blog recently, one of the changes I wanted to make was to update my use of the JavaScript framework I used for the contact page.

Looking for the Goldilocks of Web Frameworks
Looking for the Goldilocks of Web Frameworks
November 21, 2016

Is Angular2 Too Full of Ceremony?
Is Angular2 Too Full of Ceremony?
July 31, 2016

I know this was a “click-bait” post name, but so be it. I’ve been doing some small Angular2 in a recent project (rebuilding the new Atlanta Code Camp website) and I’ve been frustrated with the amount of ceremony. But I may be misunderstanding Angular2 so bear with me.

Deploying ASP.NET Core RC1 to Azure App Services
Deploying ASP.NET Core RC1 to Azure App Services
April 29, 2016

As you can see, I recently updated this blog. I wrote the new blog using ASP.NET Core RC1 (as related technologies) so when time came to deploy it, I had some issues.

Using Cache in ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC1
Using Cache in ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC1
April 14, 2016

The Week at DEVIntersection
The Week at DEVIntersection
October 29, 2015

I want to thank all the great attendees I met at this week’s DEVIntersection (Fall 2015) conference in Vegas! Richard Campbell and company put on a great show!

A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 4 - MVC 6
A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 4 - MVC 6
September 14, 2015

I had planned on finishing these a long time ago, but working on my Pluralsight course about ASP.NET 5 distracted me. Sorry about that.

A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 3 - EF7
A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 3 - EF7
March 17, 2015

NOTE: This post has been updated for changes in Beta 7 and later.

Fun Talk Today in Delhi
Fun Talk Today in Delhi
March 9, 2015

I’m on the World Tour and this stop is in Delhi, India! While here I had the fun opportunity to give a talk on AngularJS to a great group at Sapient in Delhi, India.

A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 2 - Startup
A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 2 - Startup
March 2, 2015

In this second post in my six-part series on ASP.NET 5, we’ll take a look at how your ASP.NET 5 applications will be configured upon startup. The startup in this new version of ASP.NET 5 is very different, but hopefully is clearer and easier to debug. At least that’s my impression so far.

A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 1 - Getting Started
A Look at ASP.NET 5: Part 1 - Getting Started
February 25, 2015

Over the past few weeks I’ve been playing with the new ASP.NET 5 (also known as ASP.NET vNext) bits using Visual Studio 2015. I’m trying to make sense of the new changes and how they will affect how I build websites. I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned about the new stack.

ASP.NET 5: First Impressions
ASP.NET 5: First Impressions
February 4, 2015

I’ve been working on a new web site wholly using the ASP.NET 5 (e.g. vNext, MVC6, etc.) for the past couple of weeks. This means using Visual Studio 2015 Preview and the new project types in ASP.NET 5.

Visual Studio and WebStorm: Am I Mad?
Visual Studio and WebStorm: Am I Mad?
December 13, 2014

I might be. In many of the projects I help with we have to handle back-end and front-end coding for web projects. This means I need the best in breed in tools no matter where I’m writing code.

My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
My New Course: WebStorm Fundamentals
November 5, 2014

Last week my seventeenth course for Pluralsight! I love building content for Pluralsight and it allows me to teach technologies that I am utilizing in my own life. This new course is no different.

It Is Too Soon to Panic on AngularJS 2.0
It Is Too Soon to Panic on AngularJS 2.0
October 29, 2014

So AngularJS team finally is talking more publically about what they’re trying to do. At the ngEurope conference last week, they talked very opening about their new strategy for AngularJS 2.0 and it has a lot of people freaked out. Sounds a lot like some reaction to Silverlight in fact.

Single Page Applications? Bah Humbug!
Single Page Applications? Bah Humbug!
September 1, 2014

I know that the title of this post may be a bit of link bait, sorry about that. But having been in this business quite a while now, I am noticing a trend. A trend that worries me.

Time Zones and Servers
Time Zones and Servers
May 8, 2014

I am getting married and that means I get a bunch of development tasks to do for the wedding planning. I guess it’s my own fault, I did propose with an app.

My Switch to Azure Websites
My Switch to Azure Websites
May 6, 2014

I am a developer first. I’ve become my family’s IT department but not by choice. This is the fate of most developers I know.

A Bunch of Devs Presentation
A Bunch of Devs Presentation
May 1, 2014

I recently had the pleasure of talking to the “A Bunch of Devs” user group in Atlanta about Web API. I had never spoken at this group and I had a great time.

Choose Your Own Adventure with Node.js View Engines
Choose Your Own Adventure with Node.js View Engines
March 24, 2014

As some of you know, I’ve been delving into Node.js for a new Pluralsight course that is coming out soon. One of the interesting aspects to me is the idea of server-side view engines. As an ASP.NET (and ASP before that) guy, I’ve been using server-side view engines for a long time…not that we always called them that.

Client-side Package Manager: How I Love Bower
Client-side Package Manager: How I Love Bower
March 19, 2014

Depending on your environment, you’re probably already using some package manager for your server-side code. Gems for Ruby, Nuget for .NET, NPM for Node…whatever. In any of these cases you’re used to being able to get the piece of code you need and the other requirements. For the web this is more difficult…or used to be.

New to Web API? Don't Rush to Implementation
New to Web API? Don't Rush to Implementation
January 20, 2014

I’ve been getting good feedback on my Web API course on Pluralsight but some of the comments have concerned me. Lots of the students (from my small sample size) seem to be trying to infer how to *design* an API, not just implement one. That course is specifically about how to implement an API.

Bootstrap 3 Grid System Explained
Bootstrap 3 Grid System Explained
December 4, 2013

Are you starting to work with Bootstrap 3? If so, maybe I can help. I’ve recently released a Bootstrap 3 course on Pluralsight that covers many of the new features including how to migrate from Bootstrap 2 to 3.

Building an API Course now with Web API 2
Building an API Course now with Web API 2
November 27, 2013

Web API 2's Attribute Routing: Looking Deeper
Web API 2's Attribute Routing: Looking Deeper
November 12, 2013

I recently recorded a new module for ASP.NET  Web API course (on Pluralsight) to cover the new features of Web API 2 (it’s not out yet, soon…I promise).

I'm Coming to Louisville, KY this Thursday
I'm Coming to Louisville, KY this Thursday
November 11, 2013

Are you in the Louisville, KY area this Thursday? I will be! I’ll be at the Louisville .NET Meetup Group talking about Web API..including Web API 2 that was recently released. The details of the event are:

AngleBrackets Fall 2013
AngleBrackets Fall 2013
November 1, 2013

I finished up my post-con for AngleBrackets today and am ready to head home. I had a great time and just spectacular attendees who had great questions! If you have a chance to go to AngleBrackets (or it’s sister conference, DevIntersection) make the trip. They’re coming to Orlando this fall!

Editing Styles with Firebug
Editing Styles with Firebug
September 30, 2013

Most developers I know simply hate web design. As far as many developers are concerned CSS is evil. What CSS does for the web is magical but can be painful for developers that are used to functional or structural languages.

Getting Ready for AngularJS 1.2
Getting Ready for AngularJS 1.2
September 18, 2013

is going through their release cycle now and that means that AngularJS 1.2 is going to be released soon with some specific changes that you'll need to address. I'll be updating my Pluralsight Course with the 1.2 changes as soon as the new version ships.

DevLink 2013
DevLink 2013
August 31, 2013

Thanks to everyone for attending my sessions at this year's DevLink 2013 conference in Chattanooga, TN. I had a great time at the aquarium and enjoyed meeting so many of the attendees. If you get a chance, you should add this to your conference attendance next year.

Zen Coding (Emmit) with Visual Studio
Zen Coding (Emmit) with Visual Studio
August 28, 2013

Building a Site with Bootstrap, AngularJS, ASP.NET, EF and Azure". I had the opportunity to use Zen Coding (renamed Emmet for some reason) in the course. We've released a snippet of the course on YouTube that shows off this cool productivity enhancement that Web Essentials powers. Caveat: Web Essentials doesn't work with free versions of Visual Studio.

Atlanta Code Camp 2013: Done!
Atlanta Code Camp 2013: Done!
August 25, 2013

I want to thank all the attendees, speakers and my compatriots in planning the Atlanta Code Camp. I had a great time helping make this event the best one we've had so far. Some of the numbers:

Need LINQ but Writing JavaScript?
Need LINQ but Writing JavaScript?
August 11, 2013

One of the tasks that I found cumbersome when writing JavaScript is simple collection manipulation. I have gotten spoiled in C# with LINQ. Sorting, filtering, shaping and more is easy with LINQ but what about in JavaScript? Underscore.js to the rescue.

My New Web Development Course is Live
My New Web Development Course is Live
August 5, 2013

Are you getting ready to build a new website? Are you interested in shortening your development by using Bootstrap, AngularJS, Azure and ASP.NET? If so, my new course might be just for you.

Building Atlanta Code Camp Website
Building Atlanta Code Camp Website
June 3, 2013

I recently helped the Atlanta Code Camp effort by building them a new website. You can see it here: Atlanta Code Camp.  I am pretty proud of what I was able to accomplish in the scant number of hours I had to build it. It's not done as we need to improve it when we have the speakers chosen and set up the schedule, but so far I am pretty happy with it.

My DotNetConf Talk on Mobile-First Design
My DotNetConf Talk on Mobile-First Design
April 26, 2013

I had a great time at yesterday's online DotNetConf. I think my "Mobile-First Responsive Web Design" talk went pretty well. You can see the talk on YouTube (embedded below). The talk was focused on designing websites to be efficient on mobile platforms by starting with your design on a mobile and scaling up to tablets and desktops.

TypeScript (or the obligatory post about it)
TypeScript (or the obligatory post about it)
October 2, 2012

Like many of you, I've been itching to see what Anders had up his sleeve and I wasn't disappointed yesterday when they announced TypeScript. After teaching all day, I took a quick look at TypeScript (and I do mean quick).

aspConf was fun!
aspConf was fun!
July 17, 2012

I had a good time doing a couple of talks today. If you joined me online, thanks for coming. For those who missed my talks, they will be posting the videos on Channel 9. As promised you can get the slides and examples here for my talks:

New Pluralsight Course on Debugging Web Sites
New Pluralsight Course on Debugging Web Sites
June 3, 2012

After a long gestation, I finally completed my Web Debugging course for Pluralsight. This new course covers the details of using the tools in the browsers to debug layout, JavaScript, CSS and networking. While the course shows you how to find the tools in all the major browsers, the focus is using Firefox and Firebug. Though the techniques shown in Firebug apply pretty seamlessly to all the browser tools. This course is not .NET specific, but should be useful to any web developers.

JavaScript for the C# Guy: The Global Object
JavaScript for the C# Guy: The Global Object
May 6, 2012

This is another in my series about (hopefully) interesting JavaScript constructs that might surprise most C# developers. You can see others here: JavaScript for the C# Guy.

Modern Web Development - Part 9
Modern Web Development - Part 9
April 29, 2012

This is the ninth of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be:

WebAPI and Ninject
WebAPI and Ninject
February 26, 2012

I will be returning to my 10 part series on Modern Web Development soon, but I have a quickie post that hopefully will help some of you.

Modern Web Development - Part 6
Modern Web Development - Part 6
February 20, 2012

This is the sixth of ten parts of this blog post. The topics will be:

In a Perfect World? Build Conference Wishes
In a Perfect World? Build Conference Wishes
September 9, 2011

I am headed to Build Windows next week and I have a lot of hopes for the conference. I haven’t been to a conference as an attendee alone in quite a long time. I am anxious to see what the v.Next is out of Redmond.

DevReach Panel Discussion Now on .NET Rocks
DevReach Panel Discussion Now on .NET Rocks
November 20, 2008

Url: http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?ShowNum...

An alternative to CAPTCHA
An alternative to CAPTCHA
June 30, 2007

I was visiting MediaMonkey's Forums (note, a great tool for organizing your music) and when I posted a message to the forum they showed this great anti-spam device: